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Information Literacy Section

Strategic Plan


The primary purpose of the Information Literacy Section is to foster international cooperation and to promote information literacy in all types of libraries, as well as to lead the information world in promoting information literacies as they relate to the three IFLA Pillars: Society, Membership and the Profession.

Relating to the presidential theme: libraries on the agenda.

Information literacy section is quite new. Half of the section is composed of new members (11 elected in 2007). Therefore the general goals of the section are

  1. To learn to work together
  2. To share tasks
  3. To improve communication among members and with other sections
  4. To go on with the different UNESCO projects but also on section work (Conferences. Guidelines)
  5. To improve and disseminate information. The section should be an important actor in gathering and sharing information about IL (through members and corresponding members)

Goals, Priorities and Actions

  1. Disseminate information about information literacy in different types of libraries and geographical areas
  2. Advocate for information literacy in society and increase partnership with other organizations or institutions and within IFLA
  3. Create new resources and documents

Goal 1

  • Disseminate information about information literacy in different types of libraries and geographical areas
  • Participate to the training of professionals in developing countries through workshops and guidelines
  • Increase the visibility of the IL section within and outside IFLA


  • Newsletter
  • List serv
  • Website
  • Flyers
  • Translation
  • Working with other sections especially those in division VII
  • Conferences. Quebec/Milan/

Goal 2

  • Advocate for information literacy in society and increase partnership with other organizations or institutionss


  • Different partnerships with Unesco (and other partners as well) Infolit global project
    • Directory of Infolit resources
    • State of the art
    • Logo
  • Following of Alexandria meeting : Attendance and participation of members to regional meetings such as the Training the trainers workshops
  • Participation to an information literacy conference worldwide I 2009-2010 (project)

Goal 3

  • Creating resources about IL


  • Publishing on specific subjects (assessments? Best practice? Tutorials? Bibliography? Guidelines and material for workshops)
  • Translation of the Guidelines and different texts
  • Launching or participating to researches on information Literacy topic (with Library theory and research group)