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Now available: Education and research for marketing and quality management in libraries

PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release
18 January 2002
The Hague, Netherlands

Education and research for marketing and quality management in libraries/ La formation et la recherche sur le marketing et la gestion de la qualité en bibliothèque. Edited by Réjean Savard.
München: Saur, 2002, X, 316 p. (IFLA publications; 99) ISBN 3-598-21829-X.

Marketing has been defined as the management of exchanges between an organisation and its various publics. Quality management could be viewed as the "driving belt " of marketing within an organisation. Marketing and quality management are therefore related. These two topics have also been identified as being crucial for good management and development of libraries and other information services. Librarians generally lack adequate training in marketing and very few schools of library and information science offer courses in marketing and quality management.

Two IFLA Sections, those for Management and Marketing and for Education and Training organised together a scientific colloquium to discuss those very important matters. The colloquium was held in Québec City (Canada), 14 - 16 August 2001, in collaboration with the School of library and information science of the Université de Montréal, the Institut francophone des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la formation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

The event gathered more than one hundred experts coming from more than 25 different countries - researchers, educators and practitioners - to exchange information and ideas about marketing and quality management as they apply to the management of libraries and other information services.

In this book 27 papers are published which were presented during the Québec conference.

"We hope that the publication of these papers will promote the development of education and research in marketing and quality management within libraries, one of the important objectives of this colloquium" stated Réjean Savard, Chair of IFLA's Management and Marketing Section, and co-ordinator of the colloquium.

This publication can be ordered for EUR 78.00 (IFLA Members EUR 58.00), from:

K.G. Saur Verlag GmbH.
A Gale Group/Thomson Learning Company
Ortlerstrasse 8
81373 MUNICH, Germany
Tel. +49-89-769020
Fax +48-89-79602250
E-mail: info@saur.de


Latest Revision: January 18, 2002 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions