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IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 74th IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries without borders: Navigating towards global understanding"

10-14 August 2008, Québec, Canada

Arabic translation  Chinese translation  French translation  Spanish translation 

Call for Papers

Audiovisual and Multimedia Section, with the Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters, the National Libraries Section, and the Section on Bibliography

Theme: The Legal Deposit of Audiovisual and Multimedia materials: practice around the world

The IFLA Audiovisual and Multimedia Section, with the Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters, the National Libraries Section, and the Section on Bibliography, are holding an Open Session next year in Québec, Canada on the theme of "The Legal Deposit of Audiovisual and Multimedia materials: practice around the world."

The diversity of Legal Deposit legislation and its application from country to country is immense, from non-existence to complete coverage of all materials, including moving and still images, recorded sound, databases, multimedia software and games; even sometimes broadcast and web-based materials.

Similarly, the institutional handling of such deposit varies, including national and regional libraries, specialist agencies, audiovisual and multimedia archives, university libraries and special libraries.

Finally, there are also great differences between countries concerning rights to access and use such deposited materials, and provisions for their preservation and bibliographic control.

The overall theme of the 2008 World Library and Information Congress is "Libraries without borders: Navigating towards global understanding" and our programme will work towards a better understanding of legal frameworks and best practice in the legal deposit area, world-wide.

Proposals are therefore invited for papers addressing the theme:
"The Legal Deposit of Audiovisual and Multimedia materials: practice around the world."

Please E-mail a detailed abstract , in English, of the proposed paper (1 page or at least 300 words), plus relevant brief biographical information for its author(s), by 15 January 2008 , to Bruce Royan: bruce.royan@concurrentcomputing.co.uk

The abstracts will be reviewed by a Programme Committee, and s uccessful proposals will be identified by 31 January 2008.

Full papers will be due by 15 April 2008 to allow time for the review of papers and preparation of translations.

Each full paper must be an original submission not published elsewhere, and no more than 20 double spaced A4 pages in length. The paper should be in one of the IFLA official languages.

At least one of the paper's Authors must undertake to be present* to deliver a summary of the paper (up to 20 minutes, including immediate questions) during the Section's programme in Québec.

It is hoped that Simultaneous Interpretation will be available for this session, but we strongly recommend that the presentation slides should be in English, even if the presentation is delivered in one of the other official languages. Authors will also be invited to participate in a Panel Discussion, along with their fellow authors, at the end of the programme.

The nature of this session's subject matter lends itself to the use of sound and projected imagery. The Committee would particularly welcome proposals which offer to use such materials, and will endeavour to ensure that the appropriate technology is available on the day.

* PLEASE NOTE that the Programme Committee has no funds to assist prospective Authors: abstracts should only be submitted on the understanding that the expenses of attending the Québec conference (including travel, expenses and conference fee) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers. Some national professional associations may be able to help fund certain expenses, and a small number of grants for conference attendance may be available at: