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World Library and Information Congress: 71st IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries - A voyage of discovery"

August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway

Call for Papers:
Women's Issues Section

The Women’s Issues Section invites librarians, educators, researchers, social scientists and others to submit proposals for papers, to be given in the program of the WIS, which provide insight and experience on the role of information and libraries in supporting world peace, particularly as this relates to women and women’s issues.


Women and World Peace


Proposals for papers must follow the Women’s Issues Section’s dual objectives concerning the status of women in libraries and dealing with the information needs of and services to women. Proposals, in English, and abstracts of 200 words should be sent by 31 January, 2005.

Final papers should not exceed 15 pages double-spaced; the presentations should not exceed twenty minutes in length.

Proposals may be sent via email to:

Ms Leena Siitonen
C/ CaVANILLAS, 40 - 3 izq
E-mail: lsiitonen@hotmail.com


Ms Monica Ertel
66 Oakdale Avenue
E-mail: monicaertel@yahoo.com

Please note that all fees, including registration to the conference, travel, accommodation etc. are the responsibility of the authors of the accepted papers.