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World Library and Information Congress: 71st IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries - A voyage of discovery"

August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway

Call for Papers:
School Libraries and Resource Centres

The 2005 World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) will be held in Oslo, Norway, from 14-18 August.

Theme: "Policy - Empowering School Libraries"

The IFLA Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres is organising an Open Session at this conference, with the session theme "Policy: Empowering School Libraries". All types of policy, at all levels from national school library policy to policies of the individual school and school library, will be relevant. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) policy formulation, the influence of policy, comparison of policies, the role of the school librarian in policy development, different types of policies, and the potential of policies to improve school library services. Research-based papers, in particular, are welcomed.

While reserving the right to invite speakers, the IFLA Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres is calling for proposals for papers related to the session theme, in order to ensure wide participation. Presentations will occupy 20 minutes, with five minutes afterwards for discussion. Final papers (which will be published on the IFLA web site) should be no more than 10 pages in length.


Proposals should include the following information:
  • Title of Proposed Paper:
  • Name of Presenter/s:
  • Contact Information (mailing address, fax, email):
  • Abstract of Paper (200-300 words):
  • Short Biography of Presenter/s (maximum 100 words each):

Proposals may be submitted by air mail, fax, or email, to:
Dr L. Anne Clyde
Chair, IFLA Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres
C/- Faculty of Social Science
The University of Iceland
101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Fax: +354 552 6806.
E-mail: anne@hi.is

Proposals will be reviewed by the Section's Committee for the IFLA 2005 Conference. Criteria will include originality, timeliness, relevance to an international IFLA audience, and relevance to the theme for this session.


Please note the following deadlines:
31 January 2005: Deadline for submission of proposals
28 February 2005: Notification of acceptance of proposals
15 April 2005: Submission of full papers. Authors whose proposals are accepted will be provided with details of the requirements. The submitted papers will be reviewed by the Section Committee.

Note that IFLA does not meet conference registration, travel or accommodation costs for presenters, not does it provide financial support.