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Marketing Libraries with a Focus on Academic and Large Libraries

The 16th Annual International Conference of Parliamentary Libraries

Managing the Preservation of Newspapers

Jerusalem Conference logo

Satellite Meetings in conjunction with the 66th IFLA General Conference, Jerusalem, Israel


Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August 2000

During the recent meetings the Professional Board approved the following Satellite Meetings in August 2000.

Marketing Libraries with a Focus on Academic and Large Libraries

8-11 August, 2000. Haï fa, Israel. Section on Management & Marketing

Program and Hotel Information
Information de Programme et L'Hebergement
Información de Programa Y Hotelera

Marketing and communications have been said to be the spearhead of the profession of librarianship in its effort to become more visible. For several years the IFLA Section of Management and Marketing (http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s34/somm.htm) has been trying to help librarians around the world to get a better knowledge of marketing as well as a more effective use of its various techniques.

Again in 2000, the Section is offering a pre-conference satellite workshop on marketing devoted mainly to the communications aspects and especially focused on applications to academic, national and large libraries. The workshop will be held in beautiful Haifa (Video available at http://www.haifa.gov.il/tourism/VideoEng.html) in the north of Israel, and the University of Haifa will host the workshop. Instruction will be given mainly in English but we are now trying to find resources in order to offer simultaneous translation into French.

For this unique professional development opportunity, an experienced and well known team of instructors has been recruited: Christie Koontz from South Florida University, Marielle de Miribel from Université de Paris 10 (Mediadix), Réjean Savard from Université de Montréal, Christina Tovoté from the University of Malmö, Sheila Webber from the University of Strathclyde, and Tom Wilding from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Moreover, special guests will come from different libraries in different countries to bring to the participants interesting marketing and communications experiences that will be discussed as case studies.

For more information contact:

    Réjean Savard
    École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l´information
    Université de Montréal
    C.P. 6128, succursale A
    Montréal (Quebec), H3C 3J7
    Tel. +1-514-343-7408
    Fax +1-514-343-5753
    E-mail: savardr@ere.umontreal.ca

The 16th Annual International Conference of Parliamentary Libraries

9 August 2000, Athens Greece. Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments and sponsored by the Hellenic Parliament.

For more information contact:

    Eleni Mitrakou
    Hellenic Parliament,
    Serials Department
    218 Lenormant Ave. Athens, 11528
    E-mail: mitrakou@parliament.gr

Managing the Preservation of Newspapers

Paris, Symposium at Bibliothèque nationale de France, 21 - 24 August, 2000

Preliminary Programme

An international conference organised by IFLA's Core Programma on Preservation and Conservation, Section on Preservation and Conservation, Section on Serial Publications, Round Table on Newspapers with the support and cooperation of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) and Ville de Paris.

Eleven years after the First International Symposium on the Preservation of Serial Literature organised at the Library of Congress, IFLA wishes to assess the changed that have occurred since1989. Sessions will concentrate mainly on preservation policies, reformatting, financial issues, electronic items and shared preservation. The last day will offer participants the opportunity to visit various preservation sites of the BnF.
Working languages will be French and English

For more information contact:

Marie-Thérèse Varlamoff
Bibliothèque nationale de France
E-mail: marie-therese.varlamoff@bnf.fr


Latest Revision: May 17, 2000 Copyright © 1995-2000
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions