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61st IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 20-25, 1995

Section of Children's Libraries

Annual Report 1994

Shirley Fitzgibbons
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
Indiana 47404
Fax: (1-812) 8556166
e-mail: fitzgibb@indiana.edu
is Chair of the Section of Children's Libraries.

Vivi Fahnoe

Kobenhavns Kommunes Biblioteker
Enlandsvej 28
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Fax: (45) 32842246
is Secretary.

Standing Committee and Section Membership

The Standing Committee has 13 members from 11 countries and two corresponding members. Genevieve Patte (France) continues to serve as Honorary Advisor.


International Research Abstracts

Adele Fasick (USA) has prepared a prototype issue of the IRA-YLS database which can be reached on Internet through Gopher. A disk is also available for purchase at USD 5.00, available from Adele Fasi ck. The project, dependent on librarians who are willing to prepare abstracts, will be continued by Adele Fasick for five more years in order to ensure that the database is operational.

Guidelines for Young Adults

Members of the Working Group are Mirielle de Miribel (France), Ilona Glashoff (Germany), Vivi Fahnoe, Larry Lempert (Sweden) and Vidar Nordgard (Norway). Questionnaires were distributed at the INTAME L Conference in Glasgow in September 1993 and information compiled by the Working Group, which prepared a draft of the Guidelines. The draft Guidelines, which will include a chapter on children and n on-print media, will be discussed at a satellite meeting in Athens, Greece just before the IFLA Conference in Istanbul, and issued in 1996.

Bologna Book Fair

Though not financed by IFLA or the Section, the Section once again participated at the Bologna Book Fair in April 1994 through the hard work of Ilona Glashoff, Larry Lempert, Marielle de Miribel and Dagmar Gottling, representing the Italian Library Association. Many Italian librarians expressed interest in IFLA in general and in the Section in particular, and this interest will be pursued by the Section.

Books for All Project

In 1973 IFLA and UNESCO established the "Co-Action project number 533, or the Books for All project. Funded entirely from voluntary contributions, its aim is to provide children and young people in d eveloping countries with reading materials. Donations are obtained through a wide range of activities, conducted either by individuals or by large corporations. All donations are sent at regular inte rvals to developing countries. Donations are sent to individual librarians and teachers on site who use them to establish collections of children's books, to enlarge existing children's and youths' l ibraries or to improve the quality of libraries in schools. The project is managed by Lioba Betten (Germany).


SCL News

The Newsletter of the Section was published in one double issue in June 1994, prepared by the past Secretary, Marielle de Miribel (France). Forthcoming issues will be prepared by Ms Fahnoe.

Guidelines for Children's Services

by Adele Fasick under the auspices of the Section, was published in 1991 as No. 25 in the series, IFLA Professional Reports. The Spanish version, Pautas sobre Servicios en Las Bibliotecas para Niñ os, was prepared by Margarita Muñoz and issued as No. 33 in the series. Translations into Italian, Russian and Arabic are being prepared.

Young People and Reading: International Perspectives

This title contains the paper presented at the 1991 Moscow Conference Workshop of the Section of Children's Libraries and the Round Table on Research in Reading. Edited by Adele Fasick, it appeared a s No. 39 in the series, IFLA Professional Reports. Several themes run through the papers in the collection. One is the relationship between the new media, especially television, and reading. Another paper focuses on the transition from childhood to adolescence and its effect on reading. Reports on activities in reading promotion in Estonia, Germany, Russia and the USA are included.

Future Conferences

Istanbul 1995

The Section will hold an open session about Turkish children's libraries and literature and libraries for Turkish children abroad.

Havana Meetings

The Section sponsored a workshop with the Sections of Public Libraries, Libraries Serving Multicultural Populations, and School Libraries. It held an open session at which the following papers were p resented.

Las biblioteca públicas para niños en Cuba

Se da información general sobre el desarrollo y estado actual de las bibliotecas públicas para niños. Extensión, caracterización y estructura de los servicos. Programación de actividades dentro y fue ra de las bibliotecas. Captación del personal. Logros y dificultades.

La literatura Infantil en Cuba

Antecedentes y desarrollo de la Literatura infantil. Vunculo de la biblioteca infantil en el acercamiento de los niños a la literatura. Relación de autores cubanos más concocidos dentro de ese género .