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Government Libraries Section

Minutes of the Standing Committee Meetings held at 68th IFLA General Conference and Council, 2002 Glasgow, Scotland

August 17th 11:30 - 12:30 hours

Participants: Rob Klaverstijn (presiding) , Irja Peltonen, Suzanne Burge, Nancy Bolt and Christine Wellems

Guest: Maria Goeckeritz, Germany

1. Information policy

A report about the preconference seminar in London "Informing government" and about the open session about "National information policy" will be in the IFLANET.

The first newsletter 2002 will be published in December 2002 (printed and electronic version), the second newsletter in June 2003 (before Berlin).

2. Section members

New members for the standing committee are very welcome. The information coordinator will try to get into contact with colleagues from South-America (General conference in 2004 will be held in Buenos Aires).

3. Open session

Nancy Bolt will be the moderator of the session, all standing committee members will participate.

4. Strategic Plan

The new plan 2003 - 2004 has to be developed and will be decided in Berlin 2003.

5. Planning the Berlin conference

The German delegate presents a proposal:

Subject: German government libraries since unification.
Venue: Offsite workshop in a ministry/department in Berlin (Foreign Office or Ministry of Finance). German speakers (papers on moving from Bonn to Berlin, building a new library in a new ministry in one of the new Laender…)

The members propose to widen the topic and to find speakers form other countries with changing political system/government.

August 23rd 9:00 - 10:30 hours

Presiding: Rob Klaverstijn
Participants: Suzanne Burge, Nancy Bolt, Irja Peltonen, Christine Wellems
Guest: Maria Goeckeritz

Main topic:

Planning the Berlin Conference:

Two types of sessions: an open session in the Conference Centre and a workshop offsite.
Onsite open session with three to five speakers from different countries (Eastern Europe, Asia and one from Germany) - (Wednesday afternoon)
Offsite: german experiences, library visit, presentation, guided tour in the ministry (Thursday)

Irja will ask during the Lubljana-workshop for librarians who might present a paper.

Members will find out how to get money for speakers.

Submitted by:
Christine Wellems


Latest Revision: October 08, 2002 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions