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Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting (SC2), Friday, August 24th 2001, Boston (USA)

  • Lena Olsson, Chair, Sweden
  • Rob Klaverstijn, Netherlands
  • Jerry Mansfield, U.S.A.
  • Suzanne Burge, Great Britain
  • Nancy Bolt, U.S.A.
  • Anne-Liste Haugeto, Norway
  • Christine Wellems, Germany and five guests

1. Agenda (accepted)

2. Introduction of the Members of the Standing Committee and guests

3. Evaluation of the Conference
Joint Open Session: successful
Booth Service: successful
workshop offsite: advantages: nice place, disadvantage: fewer people, 19 participants

4. Strategy plan / action plan
The plans have been prepared during the first meeting of the section, they will be put on the website

5. Glasgow 2002
Main subject of the section: national politics of information and how government libraries could help users to get better information, survey of national laws about information (Task Force: Nancy, Suzanne, Jerry)

Time Table for Glasgow:

Call for papers in the web: September 30th (four speakers, one from the commission)
Speakers inform about title/abstract: October 31th
Informing chairman of coordination board: Mid-November
papers to be delivered: February 15th
papers to be revised: April 1st

Glasgow - London

The London seminar is fixed, leaflets are prepared. Suzanne will get into contact with the colleague form the section "Parliamentary Libraries" as the section is also planning its preconference in London. Leaflets should be distributed by the standing committee members.

6. 69th IFLA General Conference and Council, 1-9 August 2003, Berlin, Germany

The conference will be hosted by Federal President Johannes Rau, Title is: Access Point Library. Media - Information - Culture.

The German section of Government and Parliamentary Libraries is regularly informed by standing committee member Christine Wellems.

7. Information Work

Project Newsletter: October/November 2001
1. Abstract from Lisbon meeting (Lena/Suzanne/Antonio)
2. workshop minutes (Rob)
3. Action plan/strategic plan (Rob)


Latest Revision: October 22, 2001 Copyright © 1995-2001
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions