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Art Libraries Section

Strategic Plan


The Art Libraries Section exists to support, promote and develop art librarianship
  • by promoting the free and open exchange of information on art and art librarianship
  • by promoting activities that strengthen the proficiency of art librarians and enhance their professional standing
  • by engaging in projects which, together with other IFLA sections when appropriate, improve access to information on art, including the development of international standards and bibliographic control
  • by improving the effectiveness of the Section in its role as a global focus for art librarianship


1. To promote and develop art librarianship

(Professional priorities: (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; (h) Developing library professionals; (i) Promoting standards, guidelines and best practices.)

  • Organize a stimulating and inviting professional Section programme for the IFLA 2006 conference in Seoul
  • Start planning for the Section programme at the Durban conference in 2007
  • Continue Project Imageline in a new statute

2. To support and further art librarianship in developing countries

(Professional priorities: (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; (h) Developing library professionals; (i) Promoting standards, guidelines and best practices.)

  • Increase liaison with art librarianship in developing countries, including a contact with FAIFE and the appoinment of liaison officers for Corresponding Members
  • Start a programme of twinning between art libraries, especially to increase contact with libraries in developing countries.

3. To support art librarians, especially those new to the profession, to participate in the Section's programmes

(Professional priorities: (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; (h) Developing library professionals.)

  • Use a Conference Award in Honour of Jacqueline Viaux to support an art librarian-a new-comer to participate in the Section programmes

4. To promote the free and open exchange of information on art and art librarianship

(Professional priorities: (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; (h) Developing library professionals.)

  • Encourage communication between Section members in between conferences by the IFLA-ART discussion list and increasing membership of the list
  • Maintain, update and revise the online International Directory of Art Libraries

5. To provide information about the work of the Section and Standing Comittee

(Professional priorities: (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; (h) Developing library professionals; (i) Promoting standards, guidelines and best practices.)

  • Publish two issues of the Section Newsletter
  • Update the Section website and transfer the Section discussion list to iflanet, with IFLA as host.

6. To promote membership of the Section

(Professional priorities: (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; (h) Developing library professionals.)

  • Promote membership of the Section, especially in South America, South East Asia and Africa