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Standing Committee Members



Future Conferences

Art Libraries Section

Annual Report
September 2002 - August 2003

The Section represents libraries and institutions concerned with all forms of textual and visual documentation in the visual arts, including fine arts, applied arts, design and architecture. The Section strives to improve access to information in these subjects for all users of independent research libraries, national libraries, art libraries within educational institutions, museum libraries, and art departments within national, college, university and public libraries, government departments and agencies, and libraries in cultural centres.


Section membership is now 95 institutions and individuals, representing 30 different countries.


At the Standing Committee meeting in Berlin on August 2 2003 the Chair and the Secretary & Information Co-ordinator & Treasurer were re-elected for a second term for the period 2003-2005.

Kerstin Assarsson-Rizzi
Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek, National Heritage Board
Box 5405, SE-114 84 Stockholm, Sweden.
Tel: +46 8 51918325; Fax: +46 8 6633528
E-mail: kaz@raa.se.

Secretary & Information Coordinator & Treasurer
John Meriton
Word & Image Department, Victoria & Albert Museum
Cromwell Road, London SW7 3RL, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 20 79422388; Fax: +44 20 79422401
E-mail: j.meriton@vam.ac.uk.

Standing Committee Members

2001-2005, 2nd term:
Svetlana Artamonova, Ana-Paula Gordo, Ada Kolganova, Françoise Lemelle (has resigned)

2001-2005, 1st term:
Kerstin Assarsson-Rizzi, Jo Beglo, Jeanette Clough, A.P. Gakhar (disqualified for not having attended 3 consecutive meetings), Rüdiger Hoyer, Eila Rämö, Margaret Shaw

2003-2007, 2nd term:
John Meriton

2003-2007, 1st term:
Sylvie le Ray, Martha E. McPhail, Véronique Meunier, Kenneth Soehner, Margaret Young


The Standing Committee of the Art Libraries Section met twice during the Berlin Conference, on Saturday 2 August with 30 attendees, and on Friday 8 August with 26 attendees.


  • Financial Report
  • Publications Report
  • Project Reports:
    • International Directory of Art Libraries
      During the year 496 records in the directory has been updated, which means 17% of the total 2 913 records, with several additions and deletions. Systematic updates have been made for Germany, Romania, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. A search is being made for a new host and editor.
    • Multi-lingual Glossary of Art Librarianship Report
      The Spanish terms of the Glossary are being updated in the on-line version through work provided by Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid.
    • Imageline
      During the year Project Imageline has progressed with a test of how to describe the resources. A Statement of Purpose and Guidelines have been drafted, and a model application has been created based on the results gained by the test. Marie-Claude Thompson has stepped down and Eila Rämö continues as co-ordinator.

Future Conferences

Buenos Aires 2004

The Section plans to hold a Workshop. A topic had been submitted for consideration by the Standing Committee at the meeting in Berlin. After discussion it was decided to continue finalizing plans for a workshop off-site on the theme "The art libraries and the artistic information not available through commercial channels: its capture, compilation and access". A Programme Committee consisting of Silvia S. Anselmi, Kerstin Assarsson-Rizzi, Jeanette Clough, Jeannette Dixon, and Ana Paula Gordo. Contact has been established with the Vitruvio network in Buenos Aires, who is a partner in the planning work.

Oslo 2005

ARLIS/Norden has expressed an interest in being a partner in arranging a programme for the Section when IFLA comes to Oslo in 2005. The Section welcomed this initiative and gave Kerstin Assarsson-Rizzi and Eila Rämö the task of continuing discussions with ARLIS/Norden with the intention of making a proposal for a programme.

Conference Programme

Art Libraries Section, Berlin 1-9 August 2003.
An Open Session and a full-day Workshop were held during the Conference. In addition the Kunstbibliothek der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin arranged a Cultural Welcome Program for conference delegates, including a boat trip on the river Spree, guided tours to a choice of art museums, galleries and architecture.

Open Session

Theme: The Evolution of the Art Library from Early Collecting to Virtual Services.
Time: August 4, 2003.
Papers: Carol Terry, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence. Elsa Buffington and the Early Years of the Library at the Rhode Island School of Design.
Isabelle Le Masne de Chermont & Sylvie le Ray, Service des Bibliothèques, archives et de la documentation génerale des musées nationaux, Paris. Recent Developments in Museum Libraries.
Ruth Wallach, Architecture and Fine Arts Library, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles. Public Art and the Digital Library : What's in the Collection?


Theme: Art Trade and the Art Library.
Time: August 5, 2003.
Location: Kunstgewerbemuseum, Lecture room.

Keynote speaker: Egidio Marzona. Antiquarian Art Book Catalogues: a Reference Book for Art Historians?

Art Auction Catalogues and the Art Library
Presentations by Catherine Brand, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Paris. Le Pôle Catalogue de ventes à la Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art.
Deborah Kempe, Frick Art Reference Library, New York. Sold! The Unique Research Role of Auction Sales Catalogs.
Alicia Garcia Medina, Instituto del Patrimonio Historico Español, Madrid & Teresa Coso, Museu Nacional d'Arte de Catalunya, Barcelona. Comercio de Arte y Acceso Digital a la Información en las Bibliotecas de Arte en España : un ejemplo en Madrid y Barcelona.

Art Libraries as a Source of False Provenance
Presentation by Beth Houghton, Tate Britain, London.

The presentations were followed by lively discussions.

Workshop delegates were treated to a sumptous buffet lunch prepared by our colleagues at the Kunstbibliothek. Afterwards there were study visits in the Museums on the Kulturforum, the Kunstgewerbemuseum, The Gemäldegalerie, and The Kunstbibliothek.

Both the Open Session and the Workshop were attended by large audiences; ca 80 delegates and ca 70 delegates respectively.


Latest Revision: October 14, 2003 Copyright ©
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions