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Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section

Strategic Plan


The Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section exists:
  • To increase the effectiveness of parliamentary libraries and research services;
  • To develop and promote standards and best practices in providing information and knowledge to parliaments;
  • To exchange experiences, knowledge and problem solving, and promote networking, amongst parliamentary libraries and research services as well as with others serving in a political environment;
  • To provide a forum for the identification of emerging issues relating to legislative processes
  • To promote the establishment of libraries and research services as a fundamental component in the development of democratic legislatures throughout the world;
  • To promote openness, transparency and the strengthening of democratic participation through the provision of information about parliaments to citizens;


1. Provide a forum for trend watching and cooperation between the knowledge services for legislatures

(Professional priorities: a. Supporting roles of libraries and research services in society; b. Defending the principle of freedom of information; d. Providing unrestricted access to information; h. Developing library professionals)


1.1 Pre-conference in Ottawa, 2008 on how parliamentary library and research services can assist their parliaments, parliamentarians and others to make the democratic process more effective.

1.2 Presentation or round table in Italy, IFLA 2009, on anticipation, legislative trends and the impact on parliamentary libraries and research services.

1.3 Promote practical cooperation between parliamentary libraries at the regional as well as global level, through regional associations and ad hoc groups.

2. Improve the information and knowledge available to parliamentary lawmakers.

(Professional priorities: a. Supporting roles of libraries and research services in society; i. Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.)


2.1 Share experiences and joint programs with the IFLA Law Section on authentication of digital law.

2.2 Share amongst the members indicators of impact on better lawmaking.

2.3 Share amongst members the processes and actions involved in providing information and knowledge for better laws and lawmaking.

2.4 Promote and support initiatives and services for comparative legal information available to parliaments.

3. Share professional knowledge of effective strategies and operations in a complex political environment.

(Professional priorities: i. Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices; h. Developing library professionals.)


3.1 Presentations in Quebec, 2008 on challenges of communication in a parliamentary environment.

3.2 Continue sharing experiences on resolving requests from parliamentarians.

3.3 Discuss strategies for successful co-operation and co-working between library and research functions, and for the integration of research disciplines in serving parliament.

3.4 Share and seek to develop practice on performance measurement and management information

4. Ensuring that parliamentary libraries and research services play their part in the information society, particularly in relation to e-democracy and the exploitation by parliaments of information and communication technologies.

(Professional priorities: a. Supporting roles of libraries and research services in society; i. Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.)


4.1 Explore possible cooperation projects or joint venture programs with the IPU and/or the Global Centre for ICT in Parliaments.

4.2 Share best practices on citizen participation and parliaments.

4.3 Share experiences with electronic services to parliaments and parliamentary information to citizens.

5. Support the development of professional competencies required within the parliamentary library and research services environment.

(Professional priorities: i. Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices; h. Developing library professionals.)


5.1 Revise "Guidelines for Legislative Libraries" depending on funding from IFLA HQ.

5.2 Share understanding of key competencies required in parliamentary libraries and research services in pre-conferences and management workshops, in Canada in 2008 and Italy in 2009.

5.3 Discuss new developments and trends in parliamentary information and research provision especially regarding new applications of technology. Share through pre-conferences in Ottawa and Rome.

5.4 Support small and newly developing parliamentary libraries and research services with practical strategies for action.

5.5 Discuss how researchers can maintain their particular knowledge and competencies.

5.6 Promote staff exchanges and professional visits between parliamentary libraries and research services.

5.7 Support the development of competencies in leadership, especially in leading change.

6. Share information within the Section.

(Professional priorities: a. Supporting role of libraries and research services in society; d. Providing unrestricted access to information; f. Promoting resource sharing; h. Developing library professionals; i. Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.)


6.1 Prepare and distribute a regular Section Newsletter.

6.2 Exchange information continuously via the IFLAPARL discussion list.

6.3 Keep members and SC continuously informed and consulted on issues relating to IFLA and the Section.

6.4 Promote member participation on decision of issues facing the Section and in the decisions by the Standing Committee.

6.5 Maintain and develop internet resources for the Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services Section. Develop participation and interaction through the internet.

7. To promote membership of the Section and a broad representation on the standing committee.

(Professional priorities: a. Supporting role of libraries and research services in society; d. Providing unrestricted access to information; f. Promoting resource sharing; h. Developing library professionals.)


7.1 Actively seek and contact colleagues and parliamentary libraries and research services.

7.2 Develop and use contacts with other relevant organisations to promote the benefits of participation in the Section to potential members and to parliamentary administrations.

7.3 Encourage participation of francophone colleagues in Ottawa and Quebec by making full use of interpretation facilities and by targeted invitations to francophone speakers.

7.4 Encourage the participation of operational staff and managers as well as senior managers of parliamentary library and research services