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Africa Regional Section

Strategic Plan
2008 - 2009


To promote and support the advancement of library and information profession and Services in Africa in accordance with the objectives and priorities of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).


The Africa Section exists among other things to:
  1. promote and strengthen Library Associations, the profession and Library/ Information services in Africa.
  2. Create and maintain links with other Sections of IFLA as well as related Bodies/institutions/organizations for the benefit of the profession and services in Africa

The Section has identified 6 Goals to help in realizing the above stated mission and objectives in the plan period.


1 To promote and support the development of the profession in the region through the strengthening Library Associations

Professional Priorities:
  1. Supporting and Developing the Infrastructure of Library Associations
  2. Supporting the Role of Libraries in Society
  3. Developing Library Professionals
  4. Promoting Resources Sharing
IFLA Three Pillars
  1. Profession Pillar
  2. Members Pillar


1.1. Organize Regional meetings to review progress made on the implementation of the guidelines on effective management of Library Associations.

1.2 Develop an awareness campaign strategy (e.g. Flier, etc.) to promote Advocacy and Partnerships through National Library Associations.

1.3 Assist the Regional office in distribution of fliers on IFLA and Africa Section to create awareness and publicize the activities of the same

2. To promote and support development programmes for information, reading and oral literacy in Africa

Professional Priorities:
  1. Promoting Literacy Reading and Life Long Learning
  2. Supporting the role of libraries in society
  3. Development of Library Professionals
IFLA Three Pillars
  • Society Pillar
  • Profession Pillar


2.1 Organize a Regional Workshop on strategies of creating partnerships for promotion of literacy: Libraries, NGOs, ICTs, Telecentres.

2.2 Organize a Regional Workshop for Public and School Libraries on their new roles in society.

2.3 SC members to work with National Libraries and Library Associations in their countries to create awareness on role of libraries in promoting literacy and life long learning.

3. To support efforts of closing the digital divide through promotion and support of ICT applications in libraries in Africa

Professional Priorities:
  1. Libraries in the Technological Market Place
  2. Supporting the role of libraries in society
  3. Developing Library Professionals
IFLA Three Pillars
  1. Society Pillar
  2. Profession Pillar
  3. Members Pillar


3.1 Organise a Regional sensitization Workshop for Library personnel on Open Access and Institutional Repositories

3.2 Compile, publish and distribute guidelines on preventive maintenance and trouble shooting of ICTs in Libraries in Africa (in collaboration with INASP)

3.3 Workshop on sustainability of electronic library services in Public Libraries: Electronic Infrastructure Issues, Costing, effective management (in collaboration with INASP)

4. To promote competent education and training for self renewing library and information profession in Africa

Professional Priorities:
  1. Promotion of Libraries Literacy and Life Long Learning
  2. Promoting Standards, Guidelines and Best Practice
  3. Supporting the role of libraries in society
  4. Developing Library Professionals
IFLA Three Pillars
  1. Society Pillar
  2. Profession Pillar
  3. Members Pillar


4.1. Organize a Regional Workshop to review curriculum in library schools in Africa to accommodate new developments including ICTs and Information Literacy & Lifelong Learning.

4.2. Compile (In collaboration with Makerere University Library School) a Directory of Library and Information Science Schools in Africa

4.3 Workshop for with National Library Associations and Library schools for the development of Training Programmes including continuing education for professionals at the National Level.

5. To promote documentation and preservation of indigenous knowledge and to advocate for moral rights, intellectual property and copyright for indigenous knowledge

Professional Priorities:
  1. Preserving our intellectual property
  2. Supporting the role of libraries in society
  3. Providing unrestricted Access to Information
  4. Defending the Principle of Freedom of Information
  5. Balancing the Intellectual Property Rights of Authors with the needs of Users
IFLA Three Pillars
  1. Society Pillar
  2. Profession Pillar


5.1 Regional Workshop on Digital preservation of indigenous knowledge and develop guidelines for digital preservation.

6. To promote the IFLA/UNESCO Internet Manifesto and the Role of Libraries in the Information through WSIS process.

Professional Priorities:
  1. Supporting the role of libraries in society
  2. Promoting standards, Guidelines, and Best Practices
  3. Representing Libraries in the Technological Marketplace
IFLA Three Pillars
  1. Society Pillar
  2. Profession Pillar


6.1 Organise roundtable meetings with the Africa Union and other Regional Bodies in Africa to outline strategies to implement the WSIS outcomes.

6.2 Promote IFLA/Unesco Internet Manifesto. Develop an awareness campaign.