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Academic and Research Libraries Section

Strategic Plan

German translation


The Academic and Research Libraries Section exists to:
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information and best practice to strengthen the development, cooperation and good management of academic and research libraries in all countries;
  • Develop and/or promote guidelines that will help library and information professionals and their services achieve professional excellence in academic and research libraries;
  • Encourage and foster research, lobbying and promotion to strengthen the role of the library in the core institutional functions of learning, teaching, research and services;
  • Facilitate the achievement of the strategic IFLA Goals and aspirations through an active membership of the Section;
  • Participate in broader national and international frameworks for developing information policy and services;

The strategic goals, objectives and actions outlined below are constructed on the three pillars of IFLA: Profession, Society and Members. The plan will be advanced through a variety of activities including: conference and educational programs, cooperation and collaboration amongst members throughout the year, publications, policy positions, and research activities.


Profession Pillar

1. Monitor and provide information about current and emerging issues in academic and research libraries and disseminate results of relevant research.

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; c) Promoting literacy, reading and lifelong learning; d) Providing unrestricted access to information; e) Balancing the intellectual property rights of authors with the needs of users; f) Promoting resource sharing; g) Preserving our intellectual heritage; h) Developing library professionals; i) Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.


1.1 Develop and conduct high class, relevant programmes for members at the annual world congresses

1.1.1 Durban - done (all programmes well attended and all rated good-excellent) Find a mentor: an opportunity to network and to learn from colleagues Conduits for transformation: incorporating multimodal instruction and learning into information literacy (with Information Literacy Section) Libraries in the spotlight: promotion and marketing strategies (with Management and Marketing Section)

1.1.2 Quebec City - programme submitted Hot Topics in Academic & Research Libraries - Discussions with Experts Return on Investment: learners' outcomes in information literacy. Do they learn at all? with Information Literacy Section Digitization and preservation of research data, with Information Technology Section Public-Private Partnerships, with Management & Marketing Section Satellite programme on Consortia (at Universite Laval) in conjunction with CARL

1.1.3 Milan - draft programme under discussion (Digitization of Heritage Collections with CLM; Open Access Publishing; Post Conference on buildings and spaces with Library Buildings Section)

1.2 Support IFLA Special Interest Groups/Discussion Groups

1.2.1 Sponsored the Quality Issues in Libraries Discussion Group - final session of this group held in Durban; two excellent presentations given and rated good-excellent

1.2.2 Offered to sponsor a new special interest group on Digital Libraries (Durban 2007)

1.3 Translate conference papers into IFLA languages to promote a wider dissemination - ongoing (some French translations on web site)

1.4 Use the Section's newsletter, email list, Web 2.0 technologies and web site to encourage discussion and dissemination of relevant information, and for the promotion of Section activities at the world congress - ongoing, with particular emphasis on the newsletter and Web 2.0 technologies 2007-2008

1.5 Use the expertise of the Section's Standing Committee members, and their extended professional network, to monitor the global professional environment so as to ensure that emerging issues are rapidly brought to the attention of members - ongoing, and related to 1.3

1.6 Foster collaboration with national and parliamentary libraries represented in Division 1 and with special interest Sections across IFLA to provide depth and expertise to programmes offered at the annual world congress - Two joint programmes conducted in Durban; three joint programmes requested for Quebec City

2. Research and disseminate information on relevant standards and guidelines (national and international) and best practice with a view to making the information more accessible to the profession and to build skills.

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: h) Developing library professionals; i) Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.

2.1 Collect information on academic and research library standards from national bodies and make this information available from the Section's web site - not yet started

2.2 Develop programmes to promote marketing and promotion skills amongst members

2.2.1 Libraries in the spotlight: promotion and marketing strategies (with Management and Marketing Section) held in Durban

2.2.2 Include promotion and marketing strategies amongst 'hot topics' for Quebec City congress

2.3 Respond in a timely manner to inquirers who contact the Section for information - ongoing

Society Pillar


3. Allocate responsibility for liaison to a Section Standing Committee member with the following IFLA professional groups, so as to promote dissemination of information:

3.1 Copyright and Legal Matters (CLM) - Jim Neal

3.2 Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP)

3.3 World Digital Library

3.4 Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) -

3.5 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: a) Supporting the role of libraries in society

4. Facilitate the involvement of librarians in developing countries in the world congress programme by librarians in developing countries.

4.1 Conducted an essay competition to choose two librarians from Latin America and two librarians from Africa for sponsorship (conference fee paid) to attend the Durban conference - done; and experiences being reported in the Section newsletter

4.2.1 Sponsored a satellite event in Durban, with the University of Makerere, on Research and IT in African Libraries

4.3 Conduct an essay competition to choose two librarians from Latin America and two librarians from Africa for sponsorship (conference fee paid) to attend the Quebec City conference

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: a) Supporting the role of libraries in society f) Promoting resource sharing; h) Developing library professionals; i) Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.

5. Support open access to information literature so as to bridge the gap between the 'information haves' and the 'information have nots'.

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: a) Supporting the role of libraries in society f) Promoting resource sharing;

Members Pillar


6. Promote membership of the Section by expanding services to the membership who are unable to attend the annual world congress.

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; c) Promoting literacy, reading and lifelong learning; f) Promoting resource sharing; h) Developing library professionals; i) Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.

6.1 Facilitate the twinning/partnering of libraries in developed countries with one in a developing country to foster exchange of information, sharing of best practice, and provision of staff development - Project Proposal submitted to IFLA HQ in October 2007 to develop guidelines for these twinning arrangements

6.2 Use Web 2.0 technologies to endeavour to engage more discussion amongst members throughout the year - work has commenced in 2007

6.3 Promote membership and engagement of young and new professionals

6.3.1 Investigate the potential 'virtual mentoring' of 'Young Professionals' who participate in that IFLA Discussion Group - preliminary discussions held with Chair of the Discussion Group (Oct. 2007) to confirm interest in proposal; Guidelines for partnerships should also inform individual mentoring; keep this in mind if Project is funded so as to maximize value for the Project funds

6.3.2 Investigate an online discussion on a topic of interest to encourage young professionals, e.g. 'Should we be called 'Librarian' or 'Information Professional'?

6.3.3 Invite participants in the New Professionals Group to observe Standing Committee meetings and to raise issues of relevance to the group - to start in 2008

7. Grow the Section's membership

Supporting IFLA professional priorities: a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; c) Promoting literacy, reading and lifelong learning; f) Promoting resource sharing; h) Developing library professionals; i) Promoting standards, guidelines, and best practices.

7.1 Identify which countries are under-represented in membership - in 2008

7.2 Identify membership of national associations of academic and research libraries that can be cross-checked against existing membership and target non-members - 2008

7.3 Standing Committee members to receive promotional information for distribution to potential members - on going

7.4 Standing Committee members to post items of interest to potential members on other discussion lists and relevant distribution channels - 2008 and ongoing