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Rare Books and Manuscripts Section

Strategic Plan


The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section provides a forum for discussion and exchange of information on matters of particular concern to rare book and manuscript librarians, including collection, preservation, bibliographic control of, and access to such materials, in all types of libraries.


1. Promote the understanding of the significance of rare books and manuscripts for scholarly research, and as part of the heritage of civilization, in an international context.

(Professional priorities: [d] Providing unrestricted access to information; [g] Preserving our intellectual heritage.)

2. Develop international standards in the field of rare book and manuscript librarianship, and publish directories and bibliographies and build up sources of information that will assist rare book and manuscript librarians in their work.

(Professional priorities: [d] Providing unrestricted access to information; [f] Promoting resource sharing; [g] Preserving our intellectual heritage; [h] Developing library professionals; [I] Promoting standards, guidelines and best practice.)

(These relate to both of the above mentioned goals)
1. Continuation of existing projects:

The following projects will continue during the period:
  • Discussion of security of rare books and manuscripts
  • Collect samples of policies and standards for digitization
  • Participate in Criteria for the UNESCO Memory of the World Register
  • Seek members and corresponding members from under represented regions by sponsoring a 2006 satellite meeting in China
  • Continue to augment the section's Web pages
  • Working group on ISBD(A)
  • Sponsorship of mid-term meetings
2. Newsletter and Brochure:
  • The section issues a newsletter (both print and online) edited with the kind help of the Staats bibliothek zu Berlin.
  • Revision of the Section's brochure
3. Programs for IFLA World Congresses and satellite meeting:
  • Hangzhou, China, 2006: "Written and Printed Cultural Heritage and Library Work in China," Zhejiang Library, Hangzhou, China (satellite meeting)
  • Seoul, 2006: "West by East - East by West: Cultural and Technological Exchange - Old technology, new technology, collecting and describing rare materials"
  • Durban, 2007: Conservation of digital library materials (in collaboration with the Preservation and Conservation Section)