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Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section

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The Section on Document Delivery and Resource Sharing is the forum in IFLA for libraries and associations concerned with making information in all formats available all over the world through a variety of resource sharing and document supply techniques.

The Section's primary objective is to extend and improve document delivery and inter-lending both nationally and internationally through the use of new technologies and increased cooperation among libraries and document suppliers.

The Section monitors developments and provides information to its membership through a twice-yearly newsletter, programs at IFLA conferences, and support of document delivery workshops, cooperative projects, and other liaison activities with international organizations.

Currently, 185 institutions and associations are members of the Section. The Section's business is conducted through a Standing Committee of up to 20 members from all over the world who meet during IFLA General Conferences and Mid Term Section meetings and conduct business via email.

Goals for the Section on Document Delivery and Resource Sharing

Goals can be found as part of the Section's Strategic Plan

The Section is especially involved in monitoring the application of new digital technologies as they affect access to information. The Standing Committee participates as observers at the IFLA Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters and supports the application of ISO standards and protocols for use in resource sharing software. It is also a sponsor of the biennial International Conference on Interlending and Document Supply, a venue that provides an opportunity for the international community to come together to discuss the latest trends. In the past this conference has attracted between 250 and 300 delegates.

The Section also monitors the IFLA Voucher Scheme and promotes usage of Vouchers. Launched in 1995, the Scheme is based on a re-usable plastic voucher that represents a standard payment for one transaction. Libraries purchase a supply of vouchers from IFLA HQ for EUR 8 each, or half-value vouchers for EUR 4. Use of vouchers eliminates the need for financial payments, bank charges, and exchange rate costs for individual transactions.

For more details, see at: http://archive.ifla.org/VI/2/p1/vouchers.htm

For more information on the work of the Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Section, please take a look at the homepage: http://archive.ifla.org/VII/s15/index.htm

What is IFLA?

Established in 1927, The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA, was one of the first non-profit making, non-governmental organizations to further the cause of librarianship. Its primary function is to encourage, sponsor and promote research and development in all aspects of library activity, and to share its findings with the library community as a whole for the greater good of librarianship.

IFLA works through two types of units:
Professional groups of Sections and Discussion Groups - grouped in 8 Divisions - for type of library or library activity
6 Core Programs:
  1. Action for Development through Libraries Programme (ALP)
  2. Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)
  3. Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE)
  4. IFLA - CDNL Alliance for Bibliographic Standards (ICABS)
  5. Preservation and Conservation (PAC)

How to join IFLA as an Institutional Member: http://archive.ifla.org/III/members/form2.htm

See also: IFLA Categories of Membership and Affiliation:

Send this form to:
IFLA Headquarters
c/o Membership Officer
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague, Netherlands
Fax +31 70 383 48 27
E-mail: membership@ifla.org