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Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section

Strategic Plan


The Section's overall mission is to raise awareness of the importance of lifelong learning, lifelong literacy, children's reading and their rights to information by advocating and encouraging the development of library services for children and young adults all over the world.

Reading mothers with todlers


1. Encouraging the roles of the children's and young adults' librarians in the future

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (h) Developing library professionals; (i) Promoting standards, guidelines and best practice.


1.1 To translate the three Sections Guidelines (Babies and Toddlers, Children, Revised Young Adults) in as many languages as possible


1.2 To present and promote all three Sections Guidelines in journals, at conferences and on IFLANET


1.3 To disseminate all three Sections Guidelines, encourage the translations and international networking among professionals and to continue the education and training of young adults' librarians


1.4 To collect the best practices on IFLANET


1.5 To translate as many as possible the Children's Guidelines Background text on IFLANET


1.6 Start working on sister libraries


1.7. Pilot Youth International Project


2. Raising awareness of the importance of literacy and encouraging the role of children's and young adults' libraries and librarians in literacy promotion and training.

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (c) Promoting literacy and reading; (f) Promoting Resource Sharing; (h) Developing library professionals.


2.1 To publish and translate the statement on literacy training in libraries for children and young adults in IFLA and other languages


2.2 To publish and translate the statement on Children and Internet in libraries in IFLA and other languages


2.3 To disseminate statement on literacy training in children's and young adults' libraries and statement on Children and Internet in libraries (conferences, IFLANET, SCL News)

2009 and future

3. Promoting and advocating for excellence in children's literature and in reading projects/programs by nominating them for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award

Professional priorities : (c) Promoting Literacy, Reading and Lifelong Learning; (f) Promoting resource sharing


3.1 To complete the nomination for the author or illustrator of children's books and the nomination for reading project or person promoting reading among children for ALMA

May 2009

3.2 To present the nominations and winners in SCL News


4. Networking with the professionals in children's and young adults' librarianship

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (h) Developing library professionals; (j) Supporting the infrastructure of library associations


4.1 To update Section's web page on IFLANET


4.2 To publish two issues of the SCL Newsletter a year


4.3 To update the Section's leaflet


4.4 To provide information about the work of the Section and Standing Committee (Minutes, SCL News, mailing list)


4.5 To include in the SCL Newsletter articles about successful projects in children's and youth librarianship or related to it (International and local projects)


4.6 To organise a mid-year SC meeting (business meeting and library visits)


5. Promoting the partnership within IFLA by working on a joint programmes and projects with other sections and with the Division III

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (h) Developing library professionals; (i) Promoting standards, guidelines and best practice; (j) Supporting the infrastructure of library associations

5.1 To set up joint programmes with section Libray buildings and equipment at the Milan conference.


5.2 To produce common papers/statements


5.3 Participating in the Open Forum of the Division III ( Quebec and Milan Conferences)


6. Partnership and co-operation with IGO's and NGO's in library, literature, literacy and reading promotion

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (c) Promoting literacy, reading and lifelong learning; (f) Promoting resource sharing; (h) Developing library professionals


6.1 To co-operate with IRA (International Reading Association) and IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) according the Memorandum of Understanding 2005; to advocate for the Memorandum on global and local level


6.2. To work on a joint project with IRA, IBBY on reading promotion


6.3 To support and promote the ICDL (International Children's Digital Library) according the Agreement on Partnership Between IFLA/Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section and the International Children's Digital Library agreed in Oslo 2005


6.4 To review the Agreement by the SC each two years


7. The preparation and realisation of the Section's CHILD Milan 2009 Conference programme

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (c) Promoting literacy, reading and lifelong learning; (d) Providing unrestricted access to information; (h) Developing library professionals; (i) Promoting standards, guidelines and best practice; (j) Supporting the infrastructure of library associations.


7.1 To prepare the Milan conference: "Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage" with section Library buildings and equipment for a joint session


7.2 To disseminate the information on the Conference's programme and activities (by SCL News, IFLANET, e-mailing and post)


7.3 Preparing the agenda of the session, meetings, visits of libraries and other conference activities


7.4 To work together with the Sections Literacy and Reading on the joint pre-conference Raising a Nation of Readers: Libraries as Partners in National Reading Projects and Programmes in Rome, Italy


7.5 Preparing the poster for the Poster Session to promote the Children's, YA and babies Guidelines and/or The Section


8. The preparation of the Section's CHILD Brisbane 2010 Conference programme

Professional priorities : (a) Supporting the role of libraries in society; (c) Promoting literacy, reading and lifelong learning; (h) Developing library professionals; (j) Supporting the infrastructure of library associations


8.1 To work on the 2010 Conference programme under the overall Conference theme


8.3 To issue a call for papers and to disseminate the information on the Conference's programme and activities (by SCL News, web page, e-mailing and post);


8.4 Preparing the agenda of the session, meetings, visits of libraries and other conference activities


8.5 Preparing the poster for the Poster Session to promote the Children's, YA and babies Guidelines and/or The Section