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World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society"

20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea


Council Meeting

Proposal for Council: Inflation increases on membership fees


In 2002, Council approved the following motion:

Proposal to give powers to the Governing Board to increase membership fees
It is proposed that Council give the power to the Governing Board to increase the IFLA membership fees in all categories by a figure no greater than one percent less than the official retail price inflation, as recorded by the Netherlands government, over the previous 12 months.

It is further proposed that Council itself must approve the IFLA membership rates for all categories at intervals of no more than three years.

The Governing Board made use of this provision in 2003, 2004, and 2005, but made no increase to membership fees for 2006.

The Governing Board has discussed this provision, and would prefer to have increases in membership fees keep pace with the rate of inflation. They wish to remove the provision that the increase is "no greater than one percent less" than the inflation rate, and replace it with the actual inflation rate.

The Governing Board therfore proposes a change to this provision.


It is proposed that Council give the power to the Governing Board to increase the IFLA membership fees in all categories by the percentage of the official retail price inflation, as recorded by the Netherlands government, since the time of the last increase.

Council will continue to approve the IFLA membership rates for all categories at intervals of no more than three years.