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World Library and Information Congress:
70th IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries: Tools for Education and Development"

August 22th - 27th 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina










21 August - Saturday

22 August - Sunday
23 August - Monday
24 August - Tuesday
25 August - Wednesday
26 August - Thursday
27 August - Friday
28 August - Saturday


Programme and Proceedings

Whilst this preliminary programme gives a general indication, IFLA reserves the right to make changes to this preliminary programme at any time. IFLA cannot be held responsible for any consequences of such changes. For more information about the programme, contact IFLA Headquarters: ifla@ifla.org

CB = Coordinating Board
Off-site = not in the Convetion Center, location will be added once known
SC = Standing Committee
SI = Simultaneous Interpretation
TBA = to be announced

A welcome from IFLA's President

Red dot Saturday 21 August 2004

1. Professional Committee (Closed Meeting)

2. Governing Board (Closed Meeting)

3. CB I. General Research Libraries (Div I.)
4. CB I. Special Libraries (Div II.)
5. CB I. Libraries Serving the General Public (Div III.)
6. CB I. Bibliographic Control (Div IV.)
7. CB I. Collections and Services (Div V.)
8. CB I. Management and Technology (Div VI.)
9. CB I. Education and Research (Div VII.)
10. CB I. Regional Activities (Div VIII.)

11. FAIFE Advisory Board Meeting

The above mentioned Coordinating Board Meetings (CB I) are the business meetings of the IFLA Divisions. They are not usually open to conference delegates.

Red dot Sunday 22 August 2004

The following SC Meetings are the business meetings of the Standing Committees of IFLA Sections. They may be attended by observers by permission of the chairs which is usually given. They are a good way of getting to know the work of a Section and may lead to direct involvement.

12. SC I. Public Libraries
13. SC I. Art Libraries
14. SC I. Bibliography
15. SC I. Genealogy and Local History
16. SC I. Classification and Indexing
17. SC I. Document Delivery and Interlending
18. SC I. Education and Training
19. SC I. Government Information and Official Publications
20. SC I. Information Technology
21. SC I. Reference Work
22. SC I. Libraries for Children and Young Adults
23. SC I. Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons
24. SC I. Library Services to Multicultural Populations
25. SC I. Reading
26. SC I. Science and Technology Libraries
27. [Open]

28. SC I. University Libraries and other General Research Libraries
29. SC I. Acquisition and Collection Development
30. SC I. Audiovisual and Multimedia
31. SC I. Cataloguing
32. SC I. Government Libraries
33. SC I. Libraries for the Blind
34. SC I. Knowledge Management
35. SC I. Library Buildings and Equipment
36. SC I. Library Theory and Research
37. SC I. Management and Marketing
38. SC I. Social Science Libraries
39. SC I. Mobile Libraries
40. SC I. Rare Books and Manuscripts
41. SC I. School Libraries and Resource Centres
42. FAIFE Committee Meeting

43. SC I. Health and Biosciences Libraries
44. SC I. National Libraries
45. SC I. Preservation and Conservation
46. SC I. Geography and Map Libraries
47. SC I. Management of Library Associations
48. SC I. Library History
49. SC I. Newspapers
50. SC I. Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning
51. SC I. Information Literacy
52. SC I. Women's Issues
53. SC I. Library and Information Science Journals
54. SC I. Library and Research Services for Parliaments
55. SC I. Metropolitan Libraries
56. SC I. Statistics and Evaluation
56a SC I. Serial Publications and other continuing Resources

18.00-19.00 - Caucus Meetings
57 Caucus: Canada
58. Caucus: French Speaking Participants
59. Caucus: German Speaking Participants
60. Caucus: Netherlands Speaking Participants
61. Caucus: Portuguese Speaking Participants
62. Caucus: CIS
63. Caucus: Nordic Countries
64. Caucus: UK
65. Caucus: USA
66. Caucus: Africa, Asia & Oceania and Latin America & Caribbean
67. Caucus: Spanish Speaking Participants
68. Caucus: Chinese Speaking Participants
68a Caucus: Italy (Off-site, for more information please contact Marco Cupellaro)

Evening: IFLA Officers Reception (By invitation only)

Red dot Monday 23 August 2004

69. Opening Session - SI

70. Council I. - SI

71. Plenary Session I. - SI

Los muros de la información y la libertad
The walls of information and freedom
ADOLFO PÉREZ ESQUIVEL, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Argentina
Chair: Paul Sturges, Chair of Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE)


During this session an update will be provided of UNESCO's actions related to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) by ABDUL WAHEED KHAN, Assistant Director General of UNESCO (Communication and Information Sector).
This update will be followed by a forum on Information Literacy, consisting of ABDELAZIZ ABID (UNESCO), CELIA ZAHER (Brazil) and JESUS LAU (Mexico).

Chair: Sjoerd Koopman, Coordinator of Professional Activities, IFLA

73. Library and Research Services for Parliaments - SI

Democracy enabling activities by Parliamentary Library and Research Services

74. Division VII. - Education and Research
Breaking barriers to literacy: contributions from the Education and Research Division

75. National Libraries
The educational role of national libraries

76. Newspapers
Newspapers of Latin America

77. CLM Committee Meeting - (By invitation only)

78. SC I. - Africa Section
79. SC I. - Asia and Oceania Section
80. SC I. - Latin America and the Caribbean Section

Opening of the Exhibition

Atlántico and Pacífico Halls, at Hilton Hotel (Conference venue).

Red dot Tuesday 24 August 2004

All day: Exhibition

81. Government Libraries - SI

The role of information literacy in a democracy: how government libraries can help

82. Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) - SI
Copyright Update
  • The second enclosure movement & the role of libraries in protecting the public domain
    JAMES BOYLE, WILLIAM NEAL REYNOLDS (Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain, Duke University Law School, USA)
  • General view of exceptions and limitations to copyright for libraries in Latin America - with emphasis on the situation in Chile
    LUIS VILLARROEL (Copyright Advisor for the Ministry of Education, Chile)
  • Very different perspectives: how the Canadian courts and legislators view digital copyright
    PAUL WHITNEY (City Librarian, Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, Canada)

83. University Libraries
E-Thesis and scholarly communication
  • E-Thesis and electronic publishing: a strategic position for university libraries
    JEAN-CLAUDE GUEDON (Université de Montreal, Montreal, Canada)
  • Cyber theses: technical options of the project
    JEAN-PAUL DUCASSE (Université de Lyon2, Lyon, France)
  • Cyber theses: organizing a network in Chile and throughout Latin America
    GABRIELA ORTÚZAR (Sistema de Servicios de Informacion y Bibliotecas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile)
  • DSpace as an open archival information system for university libraries
  • ALF@NED, a new way of offering services to the scholarly community
    MARTIN BOSSENBROEK (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, Netherlands)

84. Genealogy and Local History
Resources for immigrant history: their origins, lives and contributions

85. IFLA Press Conference

86. Special Workshop

Off-site: Goethe Institute
Reaching further: telecentres and libraries working together to create the shared knowledge society

  • Libraries and Telecentres: what do they do?
  • Group Discussions of experiences, issues and opportunities
  • Policy and Implementation - group discussions
  • Summary and conclusions

87. Acquisition and Collection Development - SI

Collections for literacy and development: focus on Latin America

88. Newcomers Session - SI

89. Cataloguing Developments in cataloguing guidelines

90. Library and Research Services for Parliaments
Changes and new visions on parliamentary library and research services, seen from the point of view of an incoming Director (Chile) and an outgoing Director (UK)

91. Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning
Training the information literacy trainer
  • Skills and techniques for Information Literacy instruction: a workshop
    LISA JANICKE HINCHLIFFE (University of Illionois, Urbana, USA)

92. Industry Update I.

  • Future Directions for STM Publishing: Evolution or Revolution?
    John Regazzi, Managing Director, Market Development/CEO Elsevier, Inc.
Chair: Sjoerd Koopman, Coordinator of Professional Activities, IFLA

94. list of porster session Poster Sessions

95. Plenary Session I. - SI

Chair: Ia C. McIlwaine, Chair of IFLA Professional Committee

96. Public Libraries with Division III. - Libraries Serving the General Public - SI

Innovation in Public Libraries - conquering the digital divide in Latin America

97. Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) with Library History - SI
Experiences of years of dictatorship and the effects on libraries: how can libraries continue to promote intellectual freedom in the aftermath of crisis?
  • Devenir-militante, devenir-otro, devenir-invisible genealogía bibliotecaria o historia de la represión a la lectura necesidad de un foro social mundial bibliotecario alternativo
    (Becoming activist - becoming other - becoming invisible a libraries' genealogy or history of the repression against reading the need for a global social forum of alternative libraries)
    MARCEL BERTOLESI (CEDOC-SERPAJ, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Chilean libraries during and after the dictatorship
    Les bibliothèques chiliennes pendant et après la dictature
    CLARA BUDNIK SINAY (Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museum of Chile, DIBAM, Santiago, Chile)
  • Los derechos humanos como marco orientador y desafío para la información y comunicación en América Latina
    (Human rights as orientation frame and challenge for information and communication in Latin America)

98. Serial Publications and other Continuing Resources
Continuing Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Perspectivas de la comunicación científica y las revistas científicas de América Latina en el ambiente virtual / Perspectives for scientific communication and Latin American scientific journals in the virtual environment
  • SciELO y el movimiento de open access / SciELO and open access
  • SciELO, un componente del sistema nacional de información científica / SciELO, a module of a National Information System
  • Impacto y visibilidad de las publicaciones nacionales / Impact and visibility of national scientific publications
    JOSÉ OCTAVIO ALONSO GAMBOA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico) and CECILIA MABRAGAÑA (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina)
  • Scientific Periodicals Consortia for university and research institute libraries in Brazil

99. Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Practices

99a. Geography and Map Libraries
South America in Maps and Geography
  • General overview, with emphasis on Latin American holdings, Geography and Map Division, U.S. Library of Congress
    JOHN HEBERT (Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA)
  • The American Geographical Society’s Hispanic Map: creation and legacy
    CHRISTOPHER BARUTH (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA)
  • Glaciers of Argentina
    GUSTAVO BOBRIK (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • GIS in libraries: an overview
    ANITA K. OSER (Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, USA)

99b Literacy For Social Change

Learn an exciting approach that can be used in library literacy programs to develop education-based strategies for solving the problems of everyday living.

100. Science and Technology Libraries - SI

Promoting scientific literacy and professional development for science librarians
  • Reflections of change in the work of a physicist
    MARIANA WEISSMANN (Argentine National Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Information seeking behaviour of physicists
    NANCY GOMEZ (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Professional librarianship 2004: development and transitions
    CAMILA ALIRE (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA)
    Moderator: RAY SCHWARZ (New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA)

101. Preservation and Conservation (PAC) with National Libraries and Preservation and Conservation - SI
Safeguarding our documentary heritage: do national libraries have a disaster plan?

102. Metropolitan Libraries
Metropolitan libraries: engines for learning?

103. Health and Biosciences Libraries
Health literacy for all

104. National Associations Meeting
(By Invitation only
- for all National Association Members of IFLA)

105. New Professionals' Discussion Group
An introduction to the New Professionals' Discussion Group

105a Access to Learning Award 2004
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Access to Learning Award 2004
All delegates are invited to the official announcement and presentation of the Access to Learning Award for 2004.
Location: Fine Arts Pavilion, Argentine Catholic University, Alicia M. de Justo 1300 (a few meters from the Hilton Hotel Convention Centre), Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires

Evening: Opening Party
Golden Center (Parque Norte), one of the most important and comprehensive centres in Buenos Aires

Red dot Wednesday 25 August 2004

CDNL Meeting (By invitation only)

All day: Exhibition

106. Libraries for Children and Young Adults - SI

Guidelines for Libraries for Children's Libraries Services

107. Preservation and Conservation with Audivisual and Multimedia - SI
Part I.

Sights and sounds: preserving the new media

108. Document Delivery and Interlending
Interlending and document delivery services in support of distance education programs - perspectives from the southern cone

109. Art Libraries
Outside the commercial corridor: art libraries and the capture, compilation and use of gratis information

109a. Quality Issues in Libraries Discussion Group
What do we mean by quality?
  • A number of short presentations with the group to try and identify what we mean by quality issues in libraries.
  • National perspectives on quality
    TOBY BAINTON (UK Perspective)
    MIGUEL DUARTE (Spanish perspective)
    ROSWITHA POLL (German perspective - German national benchmark project)

110. Division VII. - Education and Research

Off-site: INIBI University of Buenos Aires
Library Research in Argentina: new approaches
  • La investigación en el Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
    (The research at the Library Science Research Institute of the School of Philosophy and Literature (University of Buenos Aires))
    SUSANA ROMANOS DE TIRATEL (Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas (INIBI), Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Teoría bibliotecológica en Argentina
    (Library theory in Argentina)
    ANA MARÍA MARTÍNEZ (Universidad de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina)
  • La nueva historia del libro y las bibliotecas en la Argentina: antecedentes, historia y periodización
    (The new history of books and libraries in Argentina: background, history and periods)
    ALEJANDRO E. PARADA (Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas (INIBI), Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Please register for this offsite session at: E mail: inibi@filo.uba.ar or aparada@filo.uba.ar

110a Information Coordinators Meeting (By invitation only)

110b International Association of Library Centres (IALC) Business Meeting (By invitation only)

111. Preservation and Conservation with Audivisual and Multimedia - SI

Part II.
Sights and sounds: preserving the new media
Programme, see Part I.

112. Management and Marketing with Public Libraries - SI
Management and staff development - how to provide new skills for librarians in order to meet new challenges in the digital world

113. Library Services for Multicultural Populations with Latin America and the Caribbean
Part I. (10.45-18.00)
From the global village to the indigenous village: the role of the library in preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous people
  • Libraries on tribal homelands as multi-purpose facilities
    LORIENE ROY (University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA)
  • Libraries: Tools for education and development within the Navajo Nation
    JEAN WHITEHORSE (New Mexico State Library, Crownpoint, USA)
  • Library services in the Ashanika Indigenous Community, Amazonia, Peru
    MINO-EUSEBIO CASTRO (The Ashanika Indigenous Community of Marankiara, Rio Perene, Amazonia, Peru)
  • Intercultural bilingual education: A process that assists in the development of indigenous libraries in Latin America
  • Creating a Library Plan for the Sámi in Sweden
    PETER SARRI (Sami Parliament, Jokkmokk, Sweden)
  • Indigenous libraries, utopia and reality: proposing an Argentine model
    EDGARDO CIVALLERO (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina)
  • The Indigenous Culture Library project in Argentina - Proyecto de Biblioteca de Cultura Indígena en la Argentina
    JUDITH MARTINEZ CUEVAS (National University of Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    The afternoon session will be held at the Library of the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
    (Continues: see Part II. and Part III.)

114. Information Literacy
International guidelines for information literacy standards - a draft for discussion
  • International Guidelines for Information Literacy: a draft for discussion
    JESUS LAU (Universidad Veracruzana, Bocal del Rio, Mexico)
    Discussion facilitators:
    JESUS CORTES (Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico) and JUDY PEACOCK (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia)

115. Mobile Libraries
Using mobile libraries to archive life long learning and social inclusion

116. Industry Update III.
The OCLC Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition
    Join Jay Jordan, President and CEO, and Cathy De Rosa, Vice President Corporate Marketing, OCLC
Chair: Barbara Tillett, Chair od Division IV - Bibliographic Control

118. list of porster session Poster Sessions

119. Plenary Session II. - SI

Chair: Cristóbal Pasadas Ureña, Chair of Division I - General Research Libraries

120. Rare Books and Manuscripts - SI

Migration and reunification of collections

121. Division IV. - Bibliographic Control - SI
Update on international issues and report on the situation in Latin America

122. Library Services for Multicultural Populations with Latin America and the Caribbean
Part II. (10.45-18.00)
From the global village to the indigenous village: the role of the library in preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous people

Programme, see Part I.
The afternoon session will be held at the Library of the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

123. Library History
The past development of literacies in the context of libraries

124. Library Buildings and Equipment - SI

National and regional development and public libraries
  • The public library at the core of the Cultural Center of Fortaleza
    MARIA HELENA COSTA and FAUSTO NILO COSTA JÚNIOR (Biblioteca Publica Menezes Pimentel, Fortaleza, Brazil)
  • From the smallest to the biggest library: a fine example of territory networking in Bretagne, France
    MARIANNE BEDEL (Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Bretagne, France) and SARA TOULOUSE (Bibliothèque municipale à vocation régionale de Rennes, France)
  • Biblored, parte de la transformación de Bogota
    SILVIA PRADA FORERO (BiblioRed, Bogotá, Colombia)
  • Public libraries and development planning in Portugal
    MARIA JOSÉ MOURA (Instituto Portoguês do Livro e das Bibliotecas, Portugal)

125. Statistics and Evaluation with University Libraries - SI
Cost of Information Access

126. Library Services for Multicultural Populations with Latin America and the Caribbean
Part III. (10.45-18.00)
From the global village to the indigenous village: the role of the library in preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous people

Programme, see Part I.
The afternoon session will be held at the Library of the Ethnographic Museum of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

127. Reference Work
Librarian toolkit for the 21st century: tools librarians need to deliver information

128. Asia and Oceania
Information Literacy for a knowledge society in Asia and Oceania

128a Officers Training Session (By Invitation Only)
Two sessions of 1 hour. All IFLA Officers are requested to attend one of those 2 meetings.

Evening: Cultural Evening
Opera Theatre (Teatro Ópera, Av. Corrientes 860.)

Red dot Thursday 26 August 2004

(Corporate Partners Meeting in Board Room in the Morning)

All day: Exhibition

129. Libraries for the Blind with Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons - SI

Part I. (08.30-12.45)
Balance of copyright and licensing: access to information for print handicapped people (Continues: see Part II.)

130. Bibliography - SI
The state of the national bibliography in Latin America

131. Public Libraries with Statistics & Evaluation
Take it to the limit: using statistics to optimise the use of public libraries

132. President- Elect Brainstorm Session
Part I. (08.30-12.45) (Continues: see Part II.)

133. Education and Training

Off-site: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información
The Challenges of Library and Information Science Education in the developing world

134. Libraries for the Blind with Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons - SI

Part II. (08.30-12.45)
Balances of copyright and licensing: access to information for print handicapped people

Programme, see Part I.

135. Latin America and the Caribbean - SI
Do libraries improve the quality of life? - ¿Las bibliotecas mejoran la calidad de vida?

The holdings record as a bibliographic control tool

137. President- Elect Brainstorm Session
Part II. (08.30-12.45)
See: Part I.

138. Women's Issues
Women, libraries and economic development

139. Library Theory and Research
Research tools for LIS

140. Plenary Session III. - SI

Chair: Elizabet Maria Ramos de Carvalho, Regional Manager, Latin America and the Caribbean

141. Government Information and Official Publications - SI

Societies' information toolkits: the role of government information in education and development

142. Social Science Libraries with Division VIII. - Regional Activities - SI
Part I. (13.45-18.00)
Changing roles of NGOs in the creation, validation and dissemination of information in developing countries

143. WSIS Update

144. School Libraries and Resources Centres with Libraries for Children and Young Adults
Part I. (13.45-18.00)
Empowering literacy from babies to teens

145. Classification and Indexing
Implementation and adaptation of global tools for subject access to local needs

146. Management of Library Associations - SI

Global Advocacy for Libraries - the role of IFLA and the national library associations
  • Promoting Libraries for Politicians as a Politician.
    MIRJA RYYNÄNEN (Finland)
  • An example of global lobbying for libraries: World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva 2003
    WINNIE VITZANSKY (Danish Library Association, Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • The role of IFLA in the host country: Switzerland
    KAY RASEROKA, IFLA President (Gaborone, Botswana) and DANIELLE MINCIO (Swiss Library Association, Geneva, Switzerland)
  • The Role of National Library Associations
    ALICIA OCASO (Uruguayan Library Association, Montevideo, Uruguay), PENSRI GUAYSUWAN (Thai Library Association, Bangkok, Thailand), SINIKKA SIPILÄ (Finnish Library Association, Helsinki, Finland) and WINNI VITZANSKY (Danish Library Association, Copenhagen, Denmark)

147. Social Science Libraries with Division VIII. - Regional Activities - SI
Part II. (13.45-18.00)
Changing roles of NGOs in the creation, validation and dissemination of information in developing countries

Programme, see Part I.

148. IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Bibliographic Standards (ICABS)
The new IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Bibliographic Standards - umbrella for multifaceted activities: strategies and practical ways to improve international coordination

149. Library and Information Science Journals
LIS Journal for continuing professional education

150. School Libraries and Resources Centres with Libraries for Children and Young Adults
Part II. (13.45-18.00)
Empowering literacy from babies to teens

Programme, see Part I.

151. CLM Committee Meeting
(By invitation only)

Evening:Embassy / Consulate Receptions

Red dot Friday 27 August 2004

152. Reading - SI

Libraries, language and literacy: linking continents through reading promotion programmes

153. Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) - SI
Part I. (08.30-12.45)
Libraries for lifelong literacy: informacy as a way of supporting unrestricted access to information in developing countries

154. @ your library
The Campaign for the World's Libraries/La Campaña para las Bibliotecas del Mundo

Update on @ your library: activites to promote for libraries and librarians worldwide
Ponte al día En tu biblioteca actividades para promover a las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios por todo el mundo
  • Mexico’s national campaign efforts - Los esfuerzos de la campaña nacional de México
    SAUL ARMENDAREZ SANCHEZ (Asociación Mexicana de Bibliotecarios, A.C.)
  • Brazil’s promotional activities - Actividades promocionales de Brasil
    MÁRCIA ROSETTO (Federation of Library Associations, Information Scientists and Institutions)

155. Information Technology
Authentication and authorisation for cross-domain e-library services

156. Public Libraries and the Democratic Process
(Start-up meeting for possible IFLA Discussion Group)
    Discussion on how libraries can and do influence the democratic process
    Facilitator:CAROL BREY-CASIANO (President of ALA; El Paso, Texas Public Library, USA)

157. E-learning Discussion Group
Perspectives on how e-learning is contributing to continuing professional education and development for LIS

LIS educators and practitioners will make presentations that provide perspectives on how e-learning is contributing to continuing professional education and development for LIS, and its implications for the operation of library services, including:

158. Africa - SI

Libraries and literacy: information, reading, oral tradition

159. Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) - SI
Part II. (08.30-12.45)
Libraries for lifelong literacy: informacy as a way of supporting unrestricted access to information in developing countries

Programme, see Part I.

160. Management of Library Associations
Library Advocacy - Promoción de bibliotecas
  • Everyone needs to be a library advocate
    CAROL BREY-CASIANO (El Paso Public Library, El Paso, Texas, USA)
  • How to train others to be library advocates
    HELEN LADRON DE GUEVARA (University of Guadalajara CUCEA, Guadalajara, Mexico)

161. Reading
Exploring the scope, methodology and content of an international research project into sustainable reading development and reading promotion programmes

(By invitation only, please contact Gwynneth Evans for more information)

162. Information Literacy with Latin America and the Caribbean
Information Literacy for lifelong learning. Implementing programmes and the implications for staff developers/trainers

163. Law Libraries Discussion Group
Argentina and Brazil: recent legal developments - Law librarians' cooperation on an international basis
  • The new Brazilian civil code
    DÉBORA GOZZO (Sao Paolo, Brazil)
  • Mercosur
    TEODORA ZAMUDIO (Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • The international cooperation of law librarians - where to from here?
    HOLGER KNUDSEN (Hamburg, Germany)

164. Plenary Session IV. - SI

Chair: Nancy E. Gwinn, Chair of Division VI - Management and Technology

165. Closing Session - SI

166. Council II. - SI

Red dot Saturday 28 August 2004

The following SC Meetings are the business meetings of the Standing Committees of IFLA Sections. They may be attended by observers by permission of the chairs which is usually given. They are a good way of getting to know the work of a Section and may lead to direct involvement.

167. SC II. Public Libraries
168. SC II. Art Libraries
169. SC II. Bibliography
170. SC II. Genealogy and Local History
171. SC II. Classification and Indexing
172. SC II. Document Delivery and Interlending
173. SC II. Education and Training
174. SC II. Government Information and Official Publications
175. SC II. Information Technology
176. SC II. Audiovisual and Multimedia
177. SC II. Reference Work
178. SC II. Libraries for Children and Young Adults
179. SC II. Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons
180. SC II. Library Services to Multicultural Populations
181. SC II. Reading
182. SC II. Library Buildings and Equipment

183. SC II. University Libraries and other General Research Libraries
184. SC II. Acquisition and Collection Development
185. SC II. Cataloguing
186. SC II. Government Libraries
187. SC II. Libraries for the Blind
188. SC II. Knowledge Management
189. SC II. Library Theory and Research
190. SC II. Management and Marketing
191. SC II. Social Science Libraries
192. SC II. Preservation and Conservation
193. SC II. Rare Books and Manuscripts
194. SC II. School Libraries and Resource Centres
195. FAIFE Committee Meeting
196. SC II. Health and Biosciences Libraries
197. SC II. Science and Technology Libraries
198. SC II. Serial Publications and other continuing Resources

199. SC II. National Libraries
200. SC II. Geography and Map Libraries
201. SC II. Management of Library Associations
202. SC II. Library History
203. SC II. Mobile Libraries
204. SC II. Newspapers
205. SC II. Continuing Professional Development & Workplace learning
206. SC II. Information Literacy
207. SC II. Women's Issues
208. SC II. Library and Information Science Journals
209. SC II. Library and Research Services for Parliaments
210. SC II. Metropolitan Libraries
211. SC II. Asia and Oceania
212. SC II. Statistics and Evaluation
213. SC II Latin America and the Caribbean

214. CB II. General Research Libraries (Div I.)
215. CB II. Special Libraries (Div II.)
216. CB II. Libraries Serving the General Public (Div III.)
217. CB II. Bibliographic Control (Div IV.)
218. CB II. Collections and Services (Div V.)
219. CB II. Management and Technology (Div VI.)
220. CB II. Education and Research (Div VII.)
221. CB II. Regional Activities (Div VIII.)

222. FAIFE Advisory Board Meeting

The above mentioned Coordinating Board Meetings (CB II.) are the business meetings of the IFLA Divisions. They are not usually open to conference delegates.


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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions