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63rd IFLA General Conference

Copenhagen, Denmark, August 31 - September 5, 1997

To the Members of IFLA


Please forward these documents to your voting delegates
at the IFLA Council Meetings to be held
in Copenhagen, Denmark, Bella Center,
Sunday, 31 August and Friday, 5 September 1997.

Dear Colleagues,

Herewith the Executive Board of IFLA has the pleasure of submitting the convening notice of the 63rd IFLA Council and General Conference and a number of supporting documents.

The Council will be held at the Bella Center/Copenhagen Congress Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Council Meetings are scheduled for Sunday, 31 August, 14:00-18:00 and Friday, 5 September, 15:00-18:00.


  1. Voting on the agenda items (6) and (11), the formal election for President and members of the Executive Board will take place on Sunday, 31 August. Voting Delegates must take a seat at the front part of the meeting room.

  2. Voting Delegates can obtain the voting papers at the IFLA Voting Office in the registration area of the Bella Center. The office will be open on Friday, 29 August, 14:00-18:00; Saturday, 30 August, 09:00-18:00, and Sunday, 31 August, 09:00-14:00. Voting delegates are kindly requested to present themselves at their earliest convenience at the IFLA Voting Office. Voting papers will only be handed out to delegates who are in possession of the Membership Certificate 1997, duly signed by the appropriate authority. This Membership Certificate will be mailed to all Members which duly paid the contribution for 1997. Members which paid for 1997, but not for the year 1996 are not entitled to vote, unless they are new Members which joined IFLA for the first time in 1997.

    Any Member which failed to receive the Certificate 1997 after payment of the dues is requested to inform the IFLA Secretariat.

  3. Representation at a Council Meeting

    The relevant articles of the Statutes and Rules of Procedure read:

    Stat. 10.2
    Each Member may be represented at a meeting of the Council by one or more delegates, of which one person shall be designated to exercise the right to vote.

    Stat. 11.5
    Each Member may be represented by another Member of the same category. No Member shall hold more than one proxy.

    R.P. 3.2.1
    Except when the number of nominees does not exceed the number of vacancies, voting in elections shall be by secret ballot.

    R.P. 5.2.3
    To obtain these papers representatives or proxies of qualified Members shall present themselves at the time and place as publicly announced at the Secretariat with the membership certificate of the Member concerned, which certificate shall carry the name of the representative or proxy, and the signature of the competent authority of the member concerned.

Enclosures with items (6 [yellow]) and (11 [green])


Sunday, 31 August 1997, 14:00

  1. Opening and Introductory Address by the President, Robert Wedgeworth

  2. Adoption of the Agenda

  3. Addresses from Related Organizations

  4. Communication by the Copenhagen Organizing Committee

  5. Appointment of Tellers for (6) and (11)

  6. Election of the IFLA President

    Nominated: Christine Deschamps and Marianne Scott
    For curricula vitae of the candidates, see the yellow annex.

    Candidates for the Presidency will (in alphabetical order) address Council for five minutes each.

  7. Presentation by the Treasurer, Warren Horton, of the Accounts 1995-1996 and the Financial Guidelines 1997/98. For details of the Accounts see IFLA Journal 1996 No. 3 and 1997 No. 3.

  8. Presentation of the results of the research into the differentiation of Institutional Membership dues

  9. Council Report of the Secretary General, Leo Voogt

  10. Results of the election of the IFLA President

  11. Election of Members of the Executive Board

    Outgoing and re-eligible by Statute for a final term of 2 years: Sun Beixin, Ekaterina Genieva
    Newly nominated: Nancy John, Derek Law, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, Jeronimo Martinez Gonzalez, Kay Raseroka, Shmuel Sever, Altenay Sernikli.

    For curricula vitae of the candidates, see the green annex.

    Candidates for the Executive Board will be introduced to Council.

  12. Presentation of the Progress Report of the Professional Board by the Chair, Sally McCallum

  13. Presentation of the Report of the Committee on Access to Information and Freedom of Expression by the Chair, Tony Evans

  14. Revised procedure to select host cities for IFLA's Conferences

  15. Report of the Publications Committee, by the Chair, Christine Deschamps

  16. Results of the election of Members of the Executive Board

  17. Adjournment of Council

    Friday, September 5, 15:00-18:00 (Council II and Closing Session)

  18. Opening by the President, Robert Wedgeworth

  19. Motions and General Resolutions

  20. Report of the Pre-Session Seminar

  21. Reports on IFLA's Grants and Prizes

  22. Professional Evaluation of the Conference, including the Professional Resolutions

  23. Introduction of the new Chair and members of the Professional Board by the outgoing Chair, Sally McCallum

  24. Members recommended for exclusion

  25. Invitations to forthcoming IFLA Conferences

  26. Votes of Thanks

  27. Final Words from the Outgoing President

  28. Tribute to Robert Wedgeworth

  29. Statement of the new President of IFLA and Close of the Conference.

Annex to Council Agenda item 6 and 11.

Nominations for President
Members of the Executive Board


Christine Deschamps
a) ABF (Association des Bibliothécaires Français) (France) (FR-0002)
b) ADBS (Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation) (France) (FR-0004)
c) Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Germany) (DE-1016)
d) M.I. Rudomino All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Russia) (RU-1004)
e) OCLC Library (USA) (US-1047)
f) ADBU (Association des Directeurs de Bibliothèques Universitaires) (France) (FR-0001)
g) ICCU (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche) (Italy) (IT-1005)
h) FADBEN (Fédération des Associations de Enseignants Documentalistes de l'Education Nationale) (France) (FR-0006)
i) Verein deutscher Bibliothekare e.V. (Germany) (DE-0001)
j) Université Catholique de Louvain, Bibliothèque générale et de Sciences humaines, (Belgium) (BE-1020)
k) ASBAD (Association sénégalaise des bibliothécaires, archivistes et documentalistes) (Senegal) (SN-0002)
l) INIST (Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique) (France) (FR-1021)
m) Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete/Association of Hungarian Librarians (Hungary) (HU-0001)
n) ASCUBI (Library Association of Cuba) (Cuba) (CU-0001)
o) SKIP (Svaz knihovníkù a informacních pracovníkù CR/Association of Czech Library & Information Professionals) (Czech Republic) (CZ-0003)
p) Russian Library Association (Russia) (RU-0002)
q) ABCDEF (Switzerland) (CH-8)
r) National Library of Medicine, TSD Serial Records (USA) (US-1015)
s) Bibliothèque Nationale de France (France) (FR-1014)
t) Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken e.V. Geschäftsstelle (Germany) (DE-0005)
u) Medical Library Association, Inc. (USA) (US-0003)
v) Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Italy) (IT-0001)
w) Verein der Diplom Bibliothekare an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken e.V. (Germany) (DE-0003)
x) VBB (Verein der Bibliothekare an Öffentlichen Bibliotheken e.V.) (Germany) (DE-0006)
y) EAHIL (European Association for Health Information and Libraries) (Belgium) (BE-8000)

Marianne Scott
a) National Archives of Canada, Library (Canada) (CA-1022)
b) BIEF (Banque internationale d'information sur les Etats francophones) (Canada) (CA-1011)
c) Canadian Library Association (Canada) (CA-0005)
d) Canadian Association of Research Libraries/Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (Canada) (CA-0007)
e) Special Libraries Association (USA) (US-0007)
f) Library of Congress, Office of the Associate Librarian for Library Services (USA) (US-1121)
g) Library of Parliament (Canada) (CA-1018)
h) University of the West Indies, Library (Jamaica) (JM-1004)
i) Canadian Council of Library Schools/Le Conseil Canadien des Ecoles de Bibliothéconomie (Canada) (CA-0008)
j) The British Library (UK) (GB-1023)
k) Association of Research Libraries (USA) (CA-0016)
l) Jamaica Library Association (Jamaica) (JM-0001)
m) IDRC (International Development Research Centre, Library) (Canada) (CA-1016)
n) Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteksforening (Denmark) (DK-0003)
o) Det Kongelige Bibliotek/The Royal Library (Denmark) (DK-1011)
p) American Library Association (USA) (US-0002)
q) National Library of Australia (Australia) (AU-1008)
r) ASTED (Association pour l'Avancement des Sciences et des Techniques de la Documentation) (Canada) (CA-0002)
s) American Association of Law Libraries (USA) (US-0001)
t) Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela, Calle Paris con Caroni, Edificio Macanao (Venezuela) (VA-1001)


Ekaterina U. Genieva
a) Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Germany) (DE-1016)
b) Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) (RU-1001)
c) Russian Library Association (Russia) (RU-0002)
d) National Library of Russia (Russia) (RU-1002)
e) Bibliothèque de l'Université René Descartes Paris V (France) (FR-1003)
f) Russian State Library (Russia) (RU-1003)
g) Republican Medical Library Information Centre (Tatarstan, Rep. of) (RU-1038)
h) V.V. Maykovsky Central Universal Library (Russia) (RU-1022)
i) National Diet Library (Japan) (JP-1004)
j) Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology (Russia) (RU-1007)
k) International Association of Research, Scientific and Technical Libraries (Russia) (RU-8000)
l) St Petersburg Theatre Library (Russia) (RU-1018)
m) American Library Association (USA) (US-0002)
n) Biblioteca Philosophica Hermetica (Netherlands) (NL-1054)
o) Bryansk F.I. Tjutchev Regional Scientific Library (Russia) (RU-1037)
p) ADBS (Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation) (France) (FR-0004)
q) Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu/National Library of Estonia (Estonia) (EE-1000)
r) ABF (Association des Bibliothécaires Français) (France) (FR-0002)

Nancy R. John
a) American Library Association (USA) (US-0002)
b) American Association of Law Libraries (USA) (US-1001)
c) Special Libraries Association (USA) (US-0007)
d) University of Illinois at Chicago, University Library (M/C 234) (USA) (US-1035)
e) NIWA (Namibian Information Workers Association) (Namibia) (NA-0001)
f) Japan Library Association (Japan) (JP-0002)
g) Medical Library Association, Inc. (USA) (US-0003)
h) Botswana Library Association (Botswana) (BW-0001)
i) Association of Research Libraries (USA) (US-0006)
j) Russian Library Association (Russia) (RU-0002)
k) Australian Library and Information Association (Australia) (AU-0001)
l) ALISE (Association for Library & Info. Science Education) (USA) (US-0004)
m) M.I. Rudomino All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Russia) (RU-1004)

Derek Law
a) British Library of Political and Economic Science (UK) (GB-1024)
b) The Library Association (UK) (GB-0001)
c) Botswana Library Association (Botswana) (BW-0001)
d) EAHIL (European Association for Health Information and Libraries) (Belgium) (BE-8000)
e) The British Council (UK) (GB-1059)
f) The British Library, Research & Development Department (UK) (GB-1023)
g) Association of Research Libraries (USA) (US-0006)
h) American Library Association (USA) (US-0002)
i) National Library of Australia (Australia) (AU-1008)
j) Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete/Association of Hungarian Librarians (Hungary) (HU-0001)
k) National Library of Medicine, TSD Serial Records (USA) (US-1015)
l) Australian Library and Information Association (Australia) (AU-0001)
m) ABF (Association des Bibliothécaires Français) (France) (FR-0002)
n) ADBS (Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation) (France) (FR-0004)

Klaus-Dieter Lehmann
a) Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken e.V. Geschäftsstelle (Germany) (DE-0005)
b) Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania (Lithuania) (LT-1000)
c) Nasjonalbiblioteket/National Library of Norway (Norway) (NO-1020)
d) Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek (Liechtenstein) (LI-1000)
e) St. St. Cyril and Methodius' National Library (Bulgaria) (BG-1004)
f) Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V. (Germany) (DE-0002)
g) Library of Congress (USA) (US-1121)
h) Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu/National Library of Estonia (Estonia) (EE-1000)
i) Russian Library Association (Russia) (RU-0002)
j) Verein der Diplom Bibliothekare an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken e.V. (Germany) (DE-0003)
k) National Library of Russia (Russia) (RU-1002)
l) Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austria) (AT-1004)
m) Národní knihovna Ceské republiky/National Library of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) (CZ-1002)
n) Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühing / Estonian Librarians Association (Estonia) (EE-0001)
o) Verein deutscher Bibliothekare e.V. (Germany) (DE-0001)
p) Danish National Library Authority (Denmark) (DK-1014)
q) Slovenská národná kniznica Matica slovenská/ Slovak National Library (Slovakia) (SK-1001)
r) Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica v Ljubljani/National and University Library in Ljubljana (Slovenia) (SI-1004)
s) Országos Széchényi Könyvtár/Hungarian National Library (Hungary) (HU-1002)
t) Biblioteka Narodowa/National Library (Poland) (PL-1000)
u) National Library of Canada/Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, (Canada) (CA-1021)
v) Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen e.V. (Germany) (DE-0004)
w) Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteksforening (Denmark) (DK-0003)
x) Det Kongelige Bibliotek/The Royal Library (Denmark) (DK-1011)
y) Bibliothèque Nationale de France (France) (FR-1014)
z) National Library of Australia (Australia) (AU-1008)
aa) Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete/Association of Hungarian Librarians (Hungary) (HU-0001)
ab) Zveza bibliotekarskih drustev Slovenije/Library Association of Slovenia (Slovenia) (SI-0001)
ac) M.I. Rudomino All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Russia) (RU-1004)
ad) Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Italy) (IT-0001)
ae) (ADBS), Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation (France) (FR-0004)
af) Finnish Research Library Association (Finland) (FI-0001)
ag) Association des Bibliothécaires Français (France) (FR-0002)

Jerónimo Martínez González
a) FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía y Documentación) (Spain) (ES-0003)
b) Biblioteca de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Biblioteca (Spain) (ES-1029)
c) ANABAD (Asociación Española de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios, Museólogos y Documentalistas) (Spain) (ES-0001)
d) CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Unidad de Coordinacion de Bibliotecas) (Spain) (ES-1017)
e) Escola Universitària Jordi Rubió i Balaguer, Escola Universitària de Biblioteconomia i Documentació (Spain) (ES-1002)
f) Parlamento de Andalucía, Servicio de Biblioteca (Spain) (ES-1043)
g) Parlamento de Canarias, Servicio de Documentación, Biblioteca y Archivo (Spain) (ES-1037)
h) Diputació de Barcelona, Servei de Bibliotheques (Spain) (ES-1020)
i) Banco de España, Biblioteca (Spain) (ES-1006)
j) Universidad de Cantabria, Biblioteca Universitaria, Edificio Interfacultativo (Spain) (ES-1022)
k) Biblioteca Universitaria (Spain) (ES-1034)
l) Biblioteca Municipal Mário de Andrade (Brazil) (BR-1007)
m) Parlament de Catalunya, Biblioteca (Spain) (ES-1004)
n) Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios (Spain) (ES-0004)
o) Servei de Biblioteques i del Patrimoni Bibliogràfic, Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) (ES-1019)
p) Biblioteca Nacional (Spain) (ES-1007)
q) Eusko Legebiltzarra, Parlamento Vasco, Biblioteca (Spain) (ES-1036)
r) Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, Biblioteca Nacional de México (Mexico) (MX-1009)
s) Asamblea Regional de Cantabria (Spain) (ES-1039)
t) Col.legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris Documentalistes de Catalunya (Spain) (ES-0002)
u) Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain) (ES-1014)
v) Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Centro de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas (Argentina) (AR-1002)
w) ASCUBI (Library Association of Cuba) (Cuba) (CU-0001)
x) Biblioteca de Catalunya (Spain) (ES-1003)
y) Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Centre Julio Gonzalez, Biblioteca (Spain) (ES-1024)

Helen Kay Raseroka
a) Special Libraries Association (USA) (US-0007)
b) ASCUBI (Library Association of Cuba) (Cuba) (CU-0001)
c) Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela, Calle Paris con Caroni, Edificio Macanao (Venezuela) (VE-1001)
d) Botswana Library Association (Botswana) (BW-0001)
e) Moi University, Margaret Thatcher Library (Kenya) (KE-1003)
f) Russian Library Association (Russia) (RU-0002)
g) American Library Association (USA) (US-0002)
h) South African Library (South Africa) (ZA-1002)
i) State Library (South Africa) (ZA-1014)
j) Botswana Technology Centre, Library (Botswana) (BW-1003)
k) LAE (Library Assembly of Euroasia) (Russia) (RU-8001)
l) Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförening/Swedish Library Association (Sweden) (SE-0001)
m) Jamaica Library Association (Jamaica) (JM-0001)
n) Svenska Bibliotekariesamfundet (Sweden) (SE-0002)
o) National Library of Canada/Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, (Canada) (CA-1021)
p) The Library Association (UK) (GB-0001)
q) National Library of Australia (Australia) (AU-1008)
r) University of Swaziland, Library (Swaziland) (SZ-1001)
s) ADBS (Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation) (France) (FR-0004)
t) Australian Library and Information Association (Australia) (AU-0001)
u) Association des Bibliothécaires Français (France) (FR-0002)

Altinay Sernikli
a) Turkish Grand National Assembly Library & Doc. Center/TBMM Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Merkezi (Turkey) (TR-1001)
b) Hacettepe University Libraries (Turkey) (TR-1004)
c) Koç University, Library (Turkey) (TR-1015)
d) Bogaziçi University Library (Turkey) (TR-1006)

Shmuel Sever
a) Jewish National and University Library (Israel) (IL-1006)
b) National Library of Russia (Russia) (RU-1002)
c) ADBS (Association des professionnels de l'information et de la documentation) (France) (FR-0004)

Sun Beixin
a) Fudan University, Library (China) (CN-1007)
b) National Library of China (China) (CN-1003)
c) (CSLS), China Society for Library Science (China) (CN-0001)
d) CPC Central Committee Party School, Library (China) (CN-1028)
e) Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) (CN-1001)
f) Library of Tsinghua University (China) (CN-1002)
g) M.I. Rudomino All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Russia) (RU-1004)
h) Shanghai Library (China) (CN-1008)
i) National Diet Library (Japan) (JP-1004)
j) Library and Information Science Department, Peking University (China) (CN-1000)
k) Library of the Renmin University of China (China) (CN-1024)
l) Japan Library Association (Japan) (JP-0002)
m) The Library Association (UK) (GB-0001)
n) National Library of Australia (Australia) (AU-1008)
o) (ADBU), Association des Directeurs de Bibliothèques Universitaires (France) (FR-0001)
p) Australian Library and Information Association (Australia) (AU-0001)