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61st IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 20-25, 1995

Round Table on Audiovisual Media

Division of Management and Technology

Annual Report 1994

Catherine F. Pinion
32 Alexandra Road
St. Albans AL1 3AZ, UK
Fax: (44-727) 833556
is Chair of the Round Table on Audiovisual Media.

Isabelle Giannattasio

Bibliothèque nationale de France
63 bis Avenue de Brandebourg
94200 Ivry sur Seine, France
Fax: (33-1) 46714281)
is Secretary.

[Annual report not received. Minutes of meetings not received.]

Havana Meeting

The Round Table held an open session with the theme, "From AV to Multimedia" at which the following papers were presented.

Los audiovisuales en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid

Since 1938 the Legal Deposits Act has insured that AV materials are deposited in the National Library of Madrid. There were some attempts to publish the Spanish National Bibliography for sound record ings, the Catalogo de discos de 78 rpm en la Biblioteca Nacional, with records from 1924 to 1958, published in 1988; the Boletín del Depósito Legal de Obras Impresa (1958- 1969), a monthly publication with the current bibliography, and after the PIC (Points of Cultural Information) with recordings from 1980 to 1983. Today it is possible to catalogue online with the sys tem ARIADNA, a special programme of the National Library. A catalogue has also been made of 14,000 videos. The National Library is undertaking a project to digitalize part of the manuscripts, drawing s, engravings, maps, microfilms and older sound recordings for consultation and copying.

Swedish Public Libraries and Multimedia

Sweden is a small, sparsely populated country in the north of Europe. Swedish public libraries are in general quite well equipped, and are linked together in a national network with other public libr aries as well as with university libraries and special libraries in order to give both urban and rural users equal service. Even in small libraries one can find phonograms, videos and other AV media as a complement to the knowledge and inspiration found in books. Modern information technology is often used to give the users current facts. The paper illustrates some developments on the use of AV media in public libraries in Sweden.

De l'audiovisuel aux multimédias

Après avoir rappelé ce que l'on entend par audiovisuel et par multimédia dans les bibliothèques en terme de documents et d'usages, l'auteur dresse un état de l'art et des problématiques posées par l'avènement des supports multimédias et leur développement éditorial. Les différents supports et configurations techn iques sont présentés: vidéodisques et laserdisc, CDI, Photo CD, CDTV, CD-ROM, DataDiscman, CD XA, et une typologie des produits est proposée, ainsi que les chiffres indica teurs du secteur. Puis sont évoquées les questions posées par les multimédias dans les bibliothèques, tant pour la constitution et la communication de collections, que par l'utilisation de ces techniques dans un but de conservtion, de communication et de mise en valeur de leurs collections originales.

Copyright: A/V and Electronic Media - An International Dimension

Although librarians support the unimpeded flow of information, they have to appreciate why it frequently hits the barriers of copyright. Practically every country in the world has national copyright legislation. Before librarians can begin t o understand the reasons why there are so many restrictions on copyright-protected material, there needs to be some basic understanding of the wider interna tional scene. The first part of the paper explains the attitudes internationally to copyright plus an overview of the main international copyright conventions; the second part examines some of the ba sic rights and their effect on audiovisual material.