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60th IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 21-27, 1994

Section on Classification and Indexing
Review of Activities, 1993 1994

Donna Duncan
McGill University, Montreal, Canada


The Guidelines for Subject Authority and Reference Entries (GSARE), UBCIM Publications - New Series Vol. 12, was published in the autumn of 1993. The editorial work for the publication of the papers presented at the August 1993 Lisbon Satellite Meeting, "Subject Indexing: Principles and Practices in the 90's" has been completed. The Working Group on Principles Underlying Subject Heading Langua ges has identified the underlying principles and is preparing a document of principles and rules from different subject systems which exemplify the various principles.


Guidelines for Subject Authority and Reference Entries (GSARE)

The Guidelines received a nearly unanimous vote of approval from members of the Section's Standing Committee. They were then submitted for publication and were published as UBCIM Publications - New Series Vol. 12 in the autumn of 1993, the Section's first international standard.

Lisbon Satellite Meeting, August 1993

Sixty eight delegates attended a very successful satellite meeting on "Subject Indexing: Principles and Practices in the 90's". The editorial work and translation into English of the meeting papers have been completed. The papers will be published in UBCIM Publication - New Series vol. 15 later this year. The satellite meeting provided invaluable resources for the Working Group on Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages.

Working Group on Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages

The Working Group, chaired by Elaine Svenonius (University of California, Los Angeles, USA), met in Lisbon and in Barcelona. With the information provided at the Lisbon Satellite Meeting, a document was prepared presenting: Background, Purposes, nine Construction Principles and two Application Principles. This document was reviewed in Barcelona. It was decided that before wider distribution, rules from different subject systems which exemplify the various principles should be included. The revised document will be received at the Cuba conference. Thanks are extended to Elaine Svenonius for her efforts in directing the work on the Principles so successfully. Inês Lopes (Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional do Livro, Lisbon, Portugal), the new chair of the Working Group, will now direct the project to its fruition.

Open Session Programme for the Cuba Conference

The Section's Programme in Cuba will include the following papers:

Section Newsletter

The Section continues to publish an annual Newsletter for Section members, for members of the Standing Committee, and for others interested in classification and indexing. The Newsletter provides a means of sharing information about differing national experiences and helps foster an international perspective on classification and indexing.

Standing Committee Membership

As a result of last year's election, the membership of the Standing Committee has been expanded to include representation from more countries. The Standing Committee now has eighteen members with one representative from Canada, Estonia, France, Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom and three each from Germany and the United States. It also has four corresponding members representing Brazil, Croatian, India and Russia. Donna Duncan (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) and Dorothy McGarry (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) were elected Chair/Treasurer and Secretary respectively.

Cooperative Projects

Donna Duncan and Dorothy McGarry attended a two day Co Ordinating Board Meeting of the Division of Bibliographic Control at Die Deutsche Bibliothek in Frankfurt on April 28 29, 1994. Mid year coordinating board meeting are most fruitful in planning, reviewing and projecting activities of the Division and its Sections.

The Section is cooperating in projects with other IFLA Sections and Divisions. Members of the Standing Committee serve on the Task Force on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, the project for the revision of Names of Persons, the Review and Advisory Committee of the Requirements for a UNIMARC Format for Classification Data, the UDC Editorial Board and the planning committee for th e 1997 International Conference on National Bibliographic Services. Dorothy McGarry participated in the UBC/UNIMARC Seminar held in Vilnius, Lithuania in June 1994.